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Research On The Relief Of Poor Single Mother Under Perspective Of Capability Theory

Posted on:2019-12-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2416330545466030Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The simplification of divorce procedures,the rapid transformation of society and the change of gender concept have led to the rising divorce rate in China in recent years,and a large number of single parent families appear.Single parent mother family,as a single parent family,occupies a large proportion in all single parent families,and the number of single parent families is also increasing.Statistics show that 90% of the single parent families are single parent families,of which nearly half of the single parent families are in poverty.The poor single parent as a new social vulnerable group has attracted more and more attention from the government and the community.This paper is divided into five parts.The first part is the introduction,which introduces the background and significance of the research,and the current situation of the research on the social assistance of poor single mothers at home and abroad.The second part,the definition of related concepts and theoretical connotation.The concept of poverty,social assistance is defined and the connotation of Amartya Sen's theory of feasible ability is expounded from five aspects: political freedom,economic condition,social opportunity,transparency guarantee and protective protection.The third part is the poor single mother S city as an example,in the women's Federation and community worker's help,and 15 poor single mothers were interviewed,a comprehensive understanding of the six aspects of the plight of poor single mothers suffer from financial difficulties,employment difficulties,shortage of housing,health problems,emotional distress,parent-child conflicts the.It provides a practical basis for solving the problems of social assistance work for poor single parent mothers.The fourth part is based on the current situation of our country and city S rescue work poor single mothers with social grooming,the poor single mothers social relief work being rescued in the negative,it is difficult to meet the demand of social assistance,social assistance to promote poverty,social assistance professional degree low,did not form the five aspects of the long-term mechanism to help the problem.The Fifth Department is to use the feasible ability theory to analyze the causes of the related problems.The sixth part is through the comprehensive analysis and consideration of the reasons,using Amartya Sen's theory of feasible ability to put forward countermeasures and suggestions to solve the social assistance work of poor single mothers.
Keywords/Search Tags:Capability Perspective, Social Assistance, Poor Single Mothers
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