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A Report On Attributive Clause Translation In Young People And The Future Of News (Excerpts)

Posted on:2021-02-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H M SunFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This report is based on the author's translation of the first two chapters of Young People and the Future of News written by Lynn Schofield Clark and Regina Marchi.Since the publication of the book,there is no Chinese version available yet.The book introduces the concept of connective journalism,clarifying the role of creating and sharing stories online as a key precursor to collective and connective political action.Drawing on in-depth field work in three major urban areas over the course of ten years,the book sheds light on how young people share news that they think others should know about,express solidarity,and bring into being new publics and counter-publics.After a brief review of the translation process,the report focuses analysis of attributive clause translation in the translation task.The translation report consists five chapters.Chapter 1,task description,is an introduction to the translation task,the book and its authors,and the outline of the report.Chapter 2 is translation preparation,involving making a translation plan and collecting relevant references.Chapter 3,translation process,includes the analysis of the source text,major difficulties in translation and quality control after translation.Chapter 4,case analysis,is the main body of the report,which devoted to the discussion of translating English attributive clauses in the source text.The author first classifies attributive clauses in the source text into three types,and then probes into the translation of attributive clauses in different cases,which is followed by a summary of translation methods.Chapter 5 is a summary,which includes the author's reflections and outlook on this translation task.Young people are the largest user group of modern online media,on which they actively express and share opinions that enhances the vitality and importance of social media;and social media has given young people,especially young people from low-income communities a platform to participate in political activities and safeguard their rights and interests.By translating this book,the author hopes that readers paymore attention to the power of young people and social media,both of which are important drivers of social development.Meanwhile,it is also the author's hope that her experience drawn from this task would be helpful to similar translation practices and studies on attributive clause translation as well as on translation of academic text.
Keywords/Search Tags:Young People and the Future of News, social media, connective journalism, attributive clause translation
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