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A Project Report On The Translation Of Iran:Internal Politics And U.S.Policy And Options(Chapter 4 And 5)

Posted on:2021-01-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M LiuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The material of this translation project is excerpted from a CRS report Iran:Internal Politics and U.S.Policy and Options,which is written by Kenneth Katzman.Mr.Katzman is a senior analyst of Middle East affairs and serves in CRS for a long time.He is in thorough command of Iran and Middle East affairs and has written many reports on Iran and U.S.-Iran relations.Since CRS serves as a nonpartisan organization,its report displays no obvious political tendency.The author introduces U.S.-Iran relations in recent years and the U.S.policies and measurements targeting Iran with plain words,making the report accurate and reliable by using precise data.This report is valuable for library intelligence network development in China.Meanwhile,it helps China predict the influences of U.S.sanctions on Iran and work out useful plans for counteraction.For experts on international relations,this report will assist them to make appropriate policies to protect the world peace because of the deterioration of U.S.-Iran relation.The subject of this project report is the translation of Chapter 4 and Chapter 5 of Iran:Internal Politics and U.S.Policy and Options.The original text is an informative text,whose main function is to send information.Firstly,the difficulty in the project translation lies in the collection and the understanding of the background information,for the report involves the information on the changes of U.S.-Iran relation in at least 40 years.Specifically,the difficulties exist in the translation of people's names,names of organizations and groups,rarely-used meaning of familiar words and specific appellations lexically,as well as the translation of long attributes and attributive clauses syntactically.In order to solve these problems,the writer uses Katharina Reiss' s text typology as theoretical guidance,and chooses the translation methods such as repetition,amplification,conversion,inversion and division,etc.Through this translation practice,the author finds her weaknesses in collecting information,applying translation techniques,using translation and typesetting tools,understanding English long sentences and transferring ability between English and Chinese.To overcome these weaknesses,the author has to learn more about translation and practice more frequently.The author also gets to know the importance of pre-translation preparation,theoretic guidance and proofreading,which enlightens the author in her future translation practices.
Keywords/Search Tags:Iran:Internal Politics and U.S.Policy and Options, Congressional Research Service Report, Katharina Reiss, Informative Text
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