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Research On The Time-space Genealogy And Development Of Fangfeng Myth Resources In The Yangtze River Delta

Posted on:2021-05-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T F GuoFull Text:PDF
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Fangfeng myth is a regional myth spread in the Yangtze River Delta and one of the cultural sources of the Yangtze River Delta.This paper is divided into four parts to write the Fangfeng myth resources.The first part introduces the concept,content and characteristics of Fangfeng myth resources in the Yangtze River Delta.Fangfeng's name is recorded in historical records because he was late for Huiji(i.e.Tushan)and was killed by Dayu.It is the God who guarded the Fengyu mountain at the same time as Dayu.In the historical documents,the contents of Fangfeng myth in the Yangtze River Delta are endless.In the oral myth of Fangfeng,which is parallel with the literature,Fangfeng is the leader of local ancestors,the hero of water control,the ancestor of blood and culture.The second part holds the evolution of Fangfeng myth from the time dimension,and constructs the time pedigree of Fangfeng myth resources based on the development background of the Yangtze River Delta in five different periods.Before the Eastern Han Dynasty,the political and economic status of the Yangtze River Delta was not prominent,which led to the relative lack of local cultural discourse,and the form of Fangfeng myth was relatively single,with Fangfeng's death and alien narrative as the main form,which was the embryonic period of Fangfeng myth.From the Wei and Jin Dynasties to the Tang Dynasty,the economy of the Yangtze River delta developed rapidly,the local political forces also rose from time to time,the myth of Fangfeng gradually rose,and the trace narratives about Fangfeng began to emerge.From the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms to the Song Dynasty,the Yangtze River Delta not only ushered in the gradual southward shift of the economic center,but also the historical opportunity of the southward shift of the political center.As a representative of the local cultural discourse of the Yangtze River Delta,the myth of Fangfeng has also entered a prosperous period.The sacrifice of Fangfeng and the ancestral narrative of Fangfeng are important representations of this period.During the yuan and Ming and Qing Dynasties,the Yangtze River Delta area as the national economic center of gravity was more obvious,and the long-term economic accumulation also promoted the prosperity of local culture.In the four years of Hongwu in the Ming Dynasty,the God of Fangfeng was granted by the central government,the myth of Fangfeng was officially recognized by the government,and completed the leap of the orthodox status.In this period,Fangfeng sacrificial state narrative appeared in local chronicles.From the period of the Republic of China to the present age,the changes of political situation and the ups and downs of national destiny directly caused the different fortunes of Fangfeng myth in this period.Before the reform and opening up,the myth of Fangfeng continued to decline.In the 1980 s,Fangfeng myth gradually revived in a loose political and cultural environment.Since 2005,the state has paid more and more attention to the protection of intangible cultural heritage,and Fangfeng myth has embarked on the road of rapid rejuvenation.In the third part,according to the data of fieldwork,the author sorts out the existence of Fangfeng myth resources and constructs the spatial pedigree of Fangfeng myth resources in the Yangtze River Delta.Deqing County,Zhejiang Province,is rich in Fangfeng myth resources and highly identified with Fangfeng myth.It is also the outpost of Fangfeng myth resources development and the core area of Fangfeng myth.Hangzhou,Huzhou,Dongyang,Shaoxing,Shanghai and other surrounding areas near Deqing also have the remains of Fangfeng myth resources and oral myths and legends,but the Fangfeng temple and sacrifice in history have been destroyed,and the identity of Fangfeng presents a complex and diverse position,which is the spread area of Fangfeng myth.Although there are traces of Fangfeng myth and oral myths and legends in Bengbu area,Anhui Province,they are obviously not identified with Fangfeng,which is the surrounding area of Fangfeng myth.It can be seen that the myth of Fangfeng formed the cultural circle of Fangfeng in the Yangtze River Delta.The fourth part investigates the current situation of the development of Fangfeng myth resources in the Yangtze River Delta.At present,there is only one county in Deqing,Zhejiang Province.This paper also found some problems in the field investigation,such as the distortion of landscape content,the abuse of symbols,the loss of independence of sacrifice,the decline of folk power and the lack of development integrity.After that,it also puts forward specific suggestions,that is,based on the long-term,overall planning;private leadership,government participation;pedigree series,overall development.The rational development of Fangfeng myth resources can better help the regional integration of the Yangtze River Delta,which is a historical opportunity and a major task given by the times.The combination of Fangfeng myth and Gunyu myth is not only a vivid portrayal of the active integration of culture in the Yangtze River Delta into Chinese culture,but also a practical strategy to maintain cultural uniqueness in the Yangtze River Delta.The myth of Fangfeng has been lasting for thousands of years,which is the spiritual symbol of striving and innovation in the Yangtze River Delta.
Keywords/Search Tags:Yangtze River Delta, Fangfeng myth resources, myth resource development
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