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Study On Inheritance Of Local Myth

Posted on:2008-08-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J PanFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
FangFeng myth, as local myth of the Tai lake district, is at first fragmentally written record, but then becoming full and accurate oral narration. Thus the protagonist, FangFeng, as well experience similar change, from a primitive tribal leader to a water-control hero, a cultural hero, a local divinity. These changes reflect the general rules and characters in the handing down of folk story from generation to generation. Based on full research of the FangFeng myth, The dissertation shows important character "subjective consciousness fusion" in the descending of folk story from the angle of temporal and dimensional descending of folk story. The dissertation also shows aesthetics principle "dualistic antinomy", "stylistic", "formality", rules of ingestion of local knowledge presented in the derivation and re-creation of FangFeng myth. Based on the above, the dissertation analyze the narrative form of the FangFeng myth, in the aspect of population flow, commerce which are related to the location of Tai lake as well as the formalization of myth ethics, the singleness of story descending, the dissertation points out the reason why the FangFeng myth has so limited descending room and explores the relationship between FangFeng and LiangZhu culture from the viewpoint of folk story descending .At last, the dissertation discusses the rationality of exploring new function in the cultural descending through cultural functionalism methodology. The dissertation also points out the feasible direction of contemporary myth descending through belief renewal towards FangFeng, utilizing and exploring cultural legacy of myth, searching after new functions of myth.
Keywords/Search Tags:FangFeng myth, Inheritance, Cultural functionalism
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