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A Thematic Progression Approach To Translating EST

Posted on:2021-04-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M Y CaoFull Text:PDF
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Machine translation has made great progress,but the quality of its translation is still controversial.To improve the quality of machine translation,we need to acquaint the theories and algorithms of machine translation.The standard of quality estimation is an important indicator to determine the fidelity of translation,and therefore it plays a significant role in the development of machine translation.Therefore,the author chose the second chapter of the academic monograph Quality Estimation for Machine Translation as the source text of this translation practice.This translation practice report is mainly divided into three parts.The first part introduces the background of the translated text,major features of the original text,the reasons for choosing the text and the objective of the translation practice.The second part is the description of the translation process,including the design of translation practice,the translators role,the preparation of translation tools,parallel texts a nd glossary,the preparation of emergency precautions,translation strategies in translation practice,translation schedule and quality control after translation.The third part is the case study,which discusses the features and translation methods of thematic progression.Based on the theory of theme-rheme progression,this paper concludes four themerheme progression patterns,namely,simple linear progression,thematic progression with a continuous theme,thematic progression with derived themes and parallel thematic progression.It is concluded that the thematic progression pattern can be retained for the first two patterns,and rest two patterns can be modified by adjusting the thematic progression.The theory of theme-rheme progression can make the information flow more smoothly and help readers to better understand the logic of the text.Through this translation practice,the author tries to analyze the language features of such scientific and technical texts as Quality Estimation for Machine Translation.By doing so the author deepens the understanding of EST,and accumulates the language assets in the field of machine translation.At the same time,the author gives some explanations on the translation methods of different thematic progression patterns,and hopes that this report will be useful for the translation of similar texts in the future.
Keywords/Search Tags:machine translation, quality estimation, theme, rheme
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