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A Report On The C-E Translation Of Tourism Texts

Posted on:2021-05-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y J ZhangFull Text:PDF
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With the development of China's economic and cultural undertakings and the continuous expansion of the degree of opening up to the outside world,Xinjiang's tourism has been developing rapidly.And at the same time,there is a need to create an external image and expand the impact.However,according to the literature collation and analysis,there is still much research space for the English translation of literature related to Xinjiang's popular scenic spots.The translation material of this practice report is selected from Four Seasons of City Scenery in Traveling in Xinjiang in Four Seasons.This translation practice report firstly introduces the research background,purpose and research status.Then the three stages of the translation process are explained,in which the characteristics of the general tourist text and the text of this project are analyzed,and the translation objectives of the project are selected as follows: accuracy,practicability and readability.Next,the case study is carried out from lexical,syntactic and textual levels.At the lexical level,this paper makes a detailed study on the translation of names of places and scenic spots,and points out that in the process of translation,translators should pay attention to the understanding and expression of words and choose words flexibly and accurately by combining transliteration,literal translation,free translation and comprehensive translation.In the aspect of syntax,the subject can be added in the translation of sentences without subjects and it can also be changed into a passive voice.When it comes to long and difficult sentences,special attention should be paid to sentence reconstruction and the translation strategies of addition,deletion and recombination.In terms of text,attention should be paid to the adjustment of the word order and addition and deletion of information to realize the cohesion and coherence of the target text.Careful consideration should be given to how to reproduce the scene and information of the original text in the English cultural context in a language which is acceptable to English readers,so as to achieve the similarity in functions and meanings between the translated text and the original text.
Keywords/Search Tags:Xinjiang, travel, translation practice, translation strategies
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