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Between Patron And Priest: First Jamyang Zhepa And Chahan Danjin

Posted on:2021-03-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M Z G P a d m a d a k i Full Text:PDF
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The offering between the Tibetan living Buddha and the Mongolian Khan King is a social phenomenon that emerged as a result of the integration of political purposes and cultural integration,religious beliefs,and many other factors in a special historical context.The first Jiamu-like Xieba,namely Drepung Monastery,Guo Mangzag,Kangbu Awang,created the three major canons of the Gelug Sect.Later,at the invitation of Qinghai Heshuote Prince Chahan Danjin,he went to Dome to build Labrang Monastery.Prince Chahan Danjin is the first prince of South Mongolia in the Yellow River and is the grandson of Gushihan.The relationship between him and the Jiamu-like Xieba Living Buddha had a great impact on the society at that time and also had important historical significance.This thesis uses historical documentation and cultural anthropology theory to study the relationship between the supply and administration of the Jiamuxiang Sheba Living Buddha and Prince Chahan Danjin.The text consists of four parts.The first part will review and sort out the development process and historical background of the supply-supply relationship between high-level Tibetan and Mongolian people in history.The offerings between Mongolia and Tibet can be divided into four periods,namely the initial budding period,the Saban and Basipa periods,the third and fourth Dalai periods,the fifth and the Glai Khan period.The second part will collect relevant oral history through the use of research methods such as literature comparison and field survey methods,focusing on the life and main deeds of the living Buddha of Jiamuxiang Sheba and Prince Chahan Danjin.The third part mainly analyzes the reasons for forming the relationship between supply and administration and explains the specific manifestations.The reason is mainly related to the cultural environment and the demand for political and religious relations at that time.The specific manifestation is that the objects of offerings meet the spiritual and cultural needs of the offerings.The devotee provides political assistance and economic services to the object of worship.Formed a mutually beneficial and win-win results.The fourth part mainly discusses the impact on social politics,economy,culture and other aspects.The supply-giving relationship between the Jiamuxiang Living Buddha and the Prince of Henan directly or indirectly affects the Dome area,which is dominated by the Mongolian Banner,and promotes the spread of the Gelug Sect.Beginning with the close relationship between the prince and Labrang Monastery,the religious relationship between the Jiamuxiang living Buddha and the prince was formed in the past.Politically,the marriage between the two families has been formed,maintaining a friendly relationship for more than three hundred years.This has played an important role in promoting the cultural prosperity and social development of the Mongolian and Tibetan nations,and forging the awareness of the Chinese national community.
Keywords/Search Tags:Jiamu Yang Xieba, Prince, Chahan Danjin
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