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The Reception Of Youyangzazu In The Song Dynasty

Posted on:2021-03-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y R LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2415330620968443Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As a novel finished in the late Tang dynasty,Youyangzazu has a wide reception in the Song Poetries.This article focus on Song poets' application of allusions in the novel Youyangzazu,by the ways of the macro and micro study.Firstly,the article will sort out the general situation of this novel's reception in the Song dynasty,as well as the general situation of Song poets' application of allusions in this novel.Then the article will analyze the feature of Song poets' application of allusions,and its causes.In these ways,the limitation between poems and novels can be eliminated,and the interaction between different genres can be studied.Chapter one grasps the general situation of Youyangzazu's reception in the Song dynasty from a macro perspective,focus on the media including hand-copied book,block-printed edition,and genus-books,and on the bias when genus-books choosing texts.Meanwhile,this chapter sorts out the quotations and comments of this novel from notes and preface & postscripts in the Song dynasty,in order to reduce how the people of Song Dynasty understood the function and value of Youyangzazu.By combing genus-books,it can be found that genus-books in Song dynasty,like Taipingguangji,Hailusuishi,Shiwenleiju,Shiwujiyuan,and Jizuanyuanhai,prefer geographical,botanical and historical stories than the stories referring ghosts,gods and strangers,when selecting texts from Youyangzazu.Based on the observation of notes and preface & postscripts,for this novel,people of Song dynasty preferred the historical value of collecting,recording and testing,rather than the fictional value of talking about odd and funny things.Chapter two judges and combs Youyangzazu allusions in the Song Poetries,in order to know the general situation of Song poets' application of allusions in this novel.When judging allusions,reading history research method will be used.The research looks at poets' reading object and action,instead of the similarity of texts,which digresses from original reading situations.Only when the poets have actually read texts recorded in Youyangzazu,this novel can be seen as certain source of allusions.In this way and according to the themes,the allusions can be divided into four types,which are respectively Buddhism and Taoism,ghosts,gods and strangers,geography and botany,and history.By counting the proportion of different kinds of allusions in Song poetries,the tendentiousness of Song poets' using allusions can be revealed.According to statistical analysis,Song poets preferred botanical and historical stories in Youyangzazu,rather than the strange stories divorced from reality.The fist and second section of chapter three summarizes the feature and causes of Song poets' application of allusions,from the point of content and form.From the view of content,the reason why Song poets took writing materials from Youyangzazu,and preferred the botanical and unfamiliar content is connected with the wide,unfamiliar and knowledge-driven derived orientation of the Song poetries.And the reason why they changed the original meaning of allusions is connected with the thought of pinning for official rank,valuing poetry education and paying attention to the reality.From the view of form,while using allusions,the poets liked to pursue new ways and use metonymy and argots.This is because the people of Song dynasty were influenced by Zen and proposed to reverse earlier decision and take a detour while writing poems.The above Song tones have an influence on Song poets' application of allusions in Youyangzazu,and express a strong flavor of scholar-officials.However,from the mid and late southern Song dynasty,poets' application of allusions in Youyangzazu took on new aspects.The third section of chapter three takes Wandering Poets and Female Poets in this period placed on the edge of scholar-officials poets as example,in order to draw out the feature of their application of allusions,compared with scholar-officials poets,such as the dropping numbers of allusions and the growing frequency of using familiar allusions.The fourth section faces the phenomenon that in Song dynasty,different groups of poets had different reading habits and media,and tries to talk about the reason.After the analysis,hand-copied book was the main way for scholar-officials poets in Song dynasty to come into contact with Youyangzazu,and their reading method was the type of memory.While for the non-scholar-officials poets,the popular genus-books born in the late southern Song dynasty was the main way to come into contact with Youyangzazu,and their reading method was the type of retrieval,which is more utility.The difference in media and reading types,which is between the original book and genus-books,the type of memory and the type of retrieval,causes the difference in knowledge structure and influences their application of allusions.The unlearned and popular tendency revealed by the non-scholar-officials poets in the middle and late southern Song dynasty when they applied allusions predicted the beginning of the modernization of Chinese literature during Song and Yuan Dynasties.
Keywords/Search Tags:Youyangzazu, the Song Poetry, Reception, Allusion
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