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A Study Of Narrative Poetics In Lu Xun's Novels

Posted on:2021-03-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y F HaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2415330620966051Subject:Literature and art
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Lu Xun once said that only 5 units of my works can be called creation modestly.They are Call to Arms,Wandering,Old Tales Retold,Wild Grass,and Dawn Blossoms Plucked at Dusk.The first three are Lu Xun's short stories.From that,we can see the importance of novel creation in Lu Xun's whole creation.The number of novels is not very big.But he has gained the amazing achievement,this profit from his unique narrative art in the novel.In this paper,the study of Lu Xun's novels narrative poetics is the objective laws of its narrative art and the nature of literary study.This paper adopts the method of close reading,and then considers the unique forming context of narrative poetics,the theme of narrative poetics,perspective of narrative poetics,strategy of narrative poetics and the evolution of narrative poetics in Lu Xun's novels.First of all,the first chapter discussed the forming context of Lu Xun's novel narrative is diverse.Before studying Lu Xun's novel narrative poetics,we must understand its formation of Lu Xun's novel narrative poetics firstly.For the impact of Chinese ancient narrative tradition and western novels narrative expression,at the same time,closely related to his poetic translation,also influenced by the literary view of “for the life”,then Lu Xun went to the realism writing.The second chapter discusses the theme of narrative poetics in Lu Xun's novels.In the aspect of the research on the theme of narrative poetics in Lu Xun's novels,the predecessors seldom set out from the perspective of aesthetic psychology.This paper innovatively analyzes the theme of narrative poetics in Lu Xun's novels about“cannibalism” “cure”and “revenge” from the aesthetic senses and other dimensions.The third chapter analyzes the narrative poetics perspective of Lu Xun's novels.Through the careful selection of narrators in his novels,Lu Xun endowed his novels with a variety of novel narrative perspectives,such as the viewer's perspective,the madman's perspective,and the child's perspective,which produced the defamiliarization narrative effect.The fourth chapter analyzes the narrative poetics strategy of Lu Xun's novels.Narrative poetics attaches great importance to the study of narrative discourse.So narrative poetics of Lu Xun's novels adopts diversified narrative strategies:classical style of writing and the vernacular of writing narrative language;repeatition,irony and other creative skills;in addition,a unique editingznd circles ofnarrative structure.Finally,the fifth chapter explore the narrative poetry of Lu Xun's novels from the macro level.We can use Call to Arms,Wandering,Old Tales Retold of the three novels divide his novels into early,middle and late three times.In the three period of time,Lu Xun's novels in poetic degree revealed a trend of gradually decreasing.The phenomenon is closely related to Lu Xun's realistic writing thought,creation background and many other changes.To sum up,Lu Xun's novels narrative poetics deeply contains his society and era realistic perspective philosophizing.He will make a perfect combination between the narratives kills of acquisition from Chinese,western,ancient,modern and his own personal realism feelings and the literary view of“for the life”.The vital meaning of Lu Xun's novels is that the revelation of national characters and deep philosophical thinking.This also has the enlightenment and warning impact of our creation and life.
Keywords/Search Tags:Lu Xun's novels, narrative poetics, theme, perspective, strategy
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