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On The Painting Transformation Of Literary Language

Posted on:2021-01-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J LuoFull Text:PDF
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The comics have a long history and profound cultural heritage in China.The historical origins of them have appeared in the tomb murals of the Han Dynasty and even earlier.After a long period of development,from the initial interpretation with pictures,to the inset with pictures,the pictures and texts mimic each other,and then to the lot of pictures in the era of reading pictures.The role of image narrative and literary narrative in the comics transforms each other,which directly affects and promotes the development and belonging of the whole comics narrative art,and forms the current art form of organic combination of pictures and text.Literature is time art,and painting is space art.The expression media of the two are different,and each has its own advantages and disadvantages in narrative.In the paradigm of expressing continuous time and space in the language of painting visual image language,the text can dynamically tell the plot and thinking,and the image can directly convey the image to speed up the understanding of the content.Both images and words have their own independence but interact with each other,which together constitute the infinite artistic infection and aesthetic pleasure of comic strips.The study of text and images in the context of picture-reading is one of the current hotspots in academic research.This article is mainly based on the graphic and textual relationships in comic book creation,and discusses the transformation of literary language painting.The article takes the author's graduation creation as a case,and through the case analysis method and the literature research analysis method,thinks about the methodology of converting literary language to painting from the path of creation.And summarize the three elements of art creator,artwork and viewer as the key points in the transformation of literary language to painting.Finally,from the uniqueaesthetic characteristics of the comics and the unity of literary language and painting expressions,the author thinks about comics creation.The thesis is composed of five parts.The first chapter is the introduction.It mainly reviews the relevant research literatures in this article,and defines the main concepts involved in the article and the scope of discussing the relationship between pictures and text.The second and third chapters summarize and summarize their own creative ideas from the aspects of text connotation and painting creation.According to the path of the comic series "Change",from the impulse of creation,thinking and refining the topic selection,the display of the humanistic spirit,the choice of graphic symbols in the creation,the use of lens language,and the painting medium,examples are used to describe the painting of literary language.Conversion.The fourth chapter summarizes the methodology of painting conversion in literary language by using the three roles of art creator,art work,and viewer at different stages to summarize the method of painting conversion in literary language.From the perspectives of multiple aesthetic pleasures of literary and narrative,the aesthetic pleasure brought by the interactive relationship between pictures and text is explained.Finally,the inscribed poems and excellent comic books in traditional Chinese literati paintings are used to illustrate the beauty of literary connotation and painting language,and put forward an excellent culture based on the nationality,adhere to the inheritance of the local humanistic spirit,and pay attention to the current practical life.Combining literary connotation with painting form with vivid language form and vivid picture plot.
Keywords/Search Tags:comics, Creative path, interpretation
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