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On The Epistemology Of Ny?ya S?tra

Posted on:2021-03-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S M TangFull Text:PDF
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In Indian philosophy,the word expressing epistemology are “pram?(?)avada”. “Pram?(?)avada” are composed of “pram?(?)a” and “vada”. “Pram?(?)a”means cognitive way,which is translated into “liang(?)” in ancient Chinese. “Vada” means discussion. “Pram?(?)avada” are translated into “lianglun(??)”in ancient Chinese.In fact, “lianglun(??)” is epistemology.The Sanskrit name of Zhengli Jing(???)is Ny?ya S?tra.In ancient Chinese, “ny?ya”was translated as “zhengli(??)”. “Ny?ya” refers to rules and rational things.In the usage of Indians,it refers to the rules in inference,debate,and argument.Therefore,it is more appropriate to translate “ny?ya” into “lunli(??)”in modern Chinese.In Chinese Buddhism,lunlixue(???)is also called “yinming(??)”.However,the word “yinming(??)” is not used very much in Indian philosophy circle.When we call lunli(??),Indians use the word “ny?ya”more.In Indian philosophy,epistemology and logic are mixed together.There is no clear distinction between them.The reason why Indians do not distinguish epistemology from logic is that the rules of inference,debate and argumentation are also cognitive ways.Ny?ya S?tra is mainly a book that discusses human cognition and the rules of debate.Ny?ya S?tra shows the debate between the Ny?ya School and other factions on the reliability of various cognitive ways.This display shows that the key issue of the Indian epistemological debate is how to classify various cognitive ways and which cognitive ways are reliable.Ny?ya S?tra believes that pratyak(?)a,anum?na,upam?nam,and ?abda are reliable cognitive ways.Reasoning is the main object of discussion in Ny?ya S?tra.When Ny?ya S?tra discusses reasoning,it is conducted from the perspective of debate and argumentation,so the discussion of the rules of reasoning in Ny?ya S?tra is actually a discussion of the rules of debate and argumentation.Ny?ya S?tra advocates a five-branch theory of reasoning model,and believes that the process of reasoning must have five sentences: proposition,reason,evidence,application,and conclusion.Most academics believe that the reasoning mode of Ny?ya S?tra is a deductive mode of reasoning,which is incorrect.The reasoning model of Ny?ya S?tra is an argumentation model that requires reasons and evidences.This argumentation model is based on the attribute relationship of things.The Buddhist School of Yogacara deepened epistemology and logic of the Ny?ya S?tra,changed the five branches into three branches,deleted the two branches of application and conclusion,and believed that the conclusion,reason,and evidence are sufficient to support the whole reasoning process.Yogacara divides the proposition into two elements: vi?e(?)ya and vi?e(?)ana.In modern discourse,vi?e(?)ya is the subject and vi?e(?)ana is the predicate.Yogacara holds that evidence is composed of vehicle and vehicle dependence.Vehicle dependence is a universal proposition and vehicle is a concrete example of supporting vehicle dependence.Ny?ya S?tra only talks about the five kinds of error cases of giving reasons.Yogacara gives nine kinds of giving reasons and draws three rules for correctly giving reasons.Ny?ya S?tra established the rough framework of Indian epistemology and logic,and Yogacara took over the rough framework of Ny?ya S?tra,reformed and perfected it.With the efforts of the Yogacara,Indian epistemology and logic reached the stage of complete system,detailed content and rigorous structure.
Keywords/Search Tags:pram?(?)a, ny?ya, perception, reasoning, rules
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