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A Comparative Study Of Tan Yankai's And Zhang Taiyan's Thoughts On Local Autonomy

Posted on:2021-02-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C H GuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2415330614454383Subject:Chinese history
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The movement of provincial autonomy in the 1920 s was an important attempt by China's advanced intellectuals to pursue the model of national transformation and political modernization,It is the product of democracy and dictatorship,unification and separation,progress and backwardness in the modern history of China.Based on previous studies,taking Hunan local autonomy as the research background,through reading the new and old historical materials such as Changsha Da Gongbao,Tan Yankai's Collected Essays,Tan Yan's Diary,Zhang Taiyan's Chronicle and Anthology of Zhang Taiyan's Political Theory,it is found that during the period of the Hunan autonomy movement,Zhang Taiyan always paid great attention to the movement and had frequent and close contact with Tan Yankai's Hunan authorities.Combined with the background of their times and the formation process of their own complex thoughts,this paper studies the relationship between Tan Yankai and Zhang Taiyan in a step-by-step way,taking time as the longitude,events as the latitude.The formation of Tan Yankai and Zhang Taiyan's thought of local autonomy,Zhang Taiyan directed the local autonomy of Hunan province under Tan Yanka,Tan Yankai's thought of local autonomy enriched Zhang Taiyan's thought of provincial autonomy,the comparison of Tan Yankai and Zhang Taiyan's thoughts on local autonomy,based on the above four aspects,this paper makes an in-depth study and analysis on the attitudes and policies of Tan Yankai and Zhang Taiyan in the Hunan autonomous movement,and the implementation of local autonomy in Hunan.It reveals that local autonomy and provincial autonomy in Hunan are the changes of social power relations caused by the people's desire for the rule of the people.It is a more comprehensive demonstration of the special relationship between them at the complex intersection of time and space in the 1920 s.The friendship between them was the product of history and the times as well as the personal splendor.It has written a thick and colorful painting on the historical scroll of modern China.By studying the relationship between Tan Yankai and Zhang Taiyan,on the one hand,we can have a new and systematic understanding of the relationship between Tan Yankai and Zhang Taiyan,on the other hand,we can have a further understanding of the sensational movement of provincial autonomy in the early 1920 s,and take a step closer to percept the richness and diversity of modern Chinese history.
Keywords/Search Tags:Tan Yankai, Zhang Taiyan, Local autonomy
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