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The Narrative Art Of Space Scenes In Mo Yan's Novels

Posted on:2021-03-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M N YuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2415330611490645Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
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Mo Yan is a writer with great exploratory spirit in Chinese literature of the new period.Since he entered the literary world in 1981,he has created a large number of works with diverse styles and profound implications.To some extent,Mo Yan's talented creativity is closely related to his unique grasp of novel space.However,as he himself said,"The uniqueness of the scene is an important factor in the success of the novel." It is the most intuitive and effective narrative way for the writer to present the space through the scene.Mo Yan is also very good at choosing specific space to describe the unique scene.Therefore,it is of great significance to discuss the narrative art of space scenes in Mo Yan's novels.However,although some academic works have begun to pay attention to this issue,these articles mainly focus on individual works,lacking systematic analysis.In view of this,this paper will thoroughly explore the narrative art of space scenes in Mo Yan's novels on the basis of a thorough reading of his works.In Mo Yan's works,around the regional space of Gaomi Northeast Township,he created many specific novel spaces.Among them,there are three categories most frequently: open square and wilderness space on all sides,two-way open road and closed "Yamen".In the open square and wilderness space,he mainly describes scenes of punishment,war and assembly;in the "Yamen" space,he presents us with scenes of imprisonment,games and food;in the road space,he focuses on the scenes of human survival,bloody rebellion and forced parade in the road.Different spaces have different characteristics.Therefore,when describing these space scenes,Mo Yan often uses different narrative strategies.Through careful reading and detailed analysis of these space scenes,the author will explore the narrative art in different space scenes,including narrative perspective and narrative language,and analyze its narrative function in creating narrative atmosphere,promoting plot development,shaping characters and other aspects,so as to deepen the understanding of Mo Yan's novels.The paper is divided into three chapters.In the first chapter,the artistic function of space scenes in Mo Yan's novels is discussed in general.Firstly,different space scenes create different narrative atmosphere.With the help of the description of the open square and wilderness on all sides,Mo Yan creates a lively and noisy atmosphere;the closed and imprisoned space scene of "Yamen" created a gloomy and closed atmosphere,expressing the dark corruption of political power;the road space scene,which symbolizes the development of Chinese history in the 20 th century,presents a positive but actually bleak narrative atmosphere,which is in line with the suffering of history.Secondly,the space scene serves the characterization.Open space scenes such as squares are conducive to shaping wild and unrestrained characters,closed "Yamen" institutions are conducive to shaping cold-blooded and cruel power subject and oppressed power object,while road space scenes highlight the blood and fighting spirit of characters.Finally,the construction of space scenes also promotes the plot development.On the one hand,some space scenes are part of the story itself,which pave the way for the development of the plot;on the other hand,the change of space and the switching of scenes also make the plot more smoothly unfolded;in addition,the extreme description of space scenes also helps to break the narrative time,break through the linear structure and adjust the story process.The second chapter discusses the narrative perspective in the space scenes of Mo Yan's novels.In the open space scenes such as square and wilderness,he is better at letting all kinds of characters follow their own consciousness and act,think and speak freely,thus forming a Muti-perspective Narrative of "public voice".In road space,the use of special perspectives such as animals and children is meaningful and ironic.In the closed space scenes such as Yamen,the covert internal focus narrative,includingthe first-person narrative and the third-person restricted narrative,frequently appears.This is closely related to the characteristics of space itself.The third chapter analyses the narrative language in the space scenes of Mo Yan's novels.In the open space scenes such as square and wilderness,the mixed language of carnival is very prominent.As a representative writer of the new historical novel which adheres to the folk consciousness,Mo Yan uses the very folk language in the road space which symbolizes the development of Chinese history in the 20 th century.Benefiting from the use of internal focusing narrative perspective,in the "Yamen" space scene,he gives full play to the imagination of the characters,mobilizes their inner sense of life,so a large number of sensory words appear.At the same time,Mo Yan creatively places the game and banquet scenes in the "Yamen" space,which in itself constitutes irony,it is also reflected in the narrative language.
Keywords/Search Tags:Mo Yan, Space, Scene, Narrative Art
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