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Obstacles Of Business Interpreting Under Western And Chinese Cultural Backgrounds

Posted on:2020-08-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Vagizova AigulFull Text:PDF
GTID:2415330611490477Subject:Translation science
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development of economic globalization,international business contacts have become more frequent.As the main means of business communication,business interpreting is also becoming more and more important.People often encounter various cross-cultural obstacles in international business.Interpreters are playing the role of the bridge between two different,mostly opposite Western and Chinese cultures.It's important for them to understand the cultural background of the client when interpreting business negotiations.Chinese culture,as one of the oldest cultures in world,is definitely hard to understand for Westerners.At the same time,even though it seems Western countries' culture has a lot in general;in closer studying every country culture will have its special characteristics.On the basis of expounding the paradigm of interpretation,this paper takes the obstacles of business interpreting as the research topic and divides the obstacles into two groups: language obstacles and cultural obstacles.The language barriers are mainly analyzed from the aspects of time referencing,semantic ambiguity and business terms.Cultural barriers are mainly elaborated from the perspectives of honorifics titles,polite greetings and small talk phenomenon.The findings of the thesis conclude that business interpreters should pay attention to the accuracy of the expression of linguistic meaning,and pay attention to the conclusion of the appropriateness of cultural etiquette.The author also gives corresponding suggestions for business interpreting.
Keywords/Search Tags:business interpreting, cultural differences, interpreting obstacles
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