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Research On The Current Situation Of Piano Teaching In Preschool Education In Secondary Vocational Schools

Posted on:2020-01-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S Y LiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2415330605968738Subject:Subject teaching
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid development of China's social economy,education has gradually become a popular issue of people's livelihood."Education is the foundation of a centennial plan".Giving priority to the development of education is a major strategic guideline put forward by the party and the state and adhered to for a long time.As the primary stage of educational activities,preschool education has also been placed in an important position in recent years.As the main carrier of preschool education talents training,secondary vocational schools play an important role in preschool education talents training.In this case,preschool education majors in secondary vocational schools are more in line with the trend of The Times,in line with the reality of society,and meet the people's professional needs for preschool education.Music education is an important part of preschool education,and the cultivation of children's music literacy has become a professional skill that preschool education talents must master.Therefore,having the corresponding basic knowledge of music has become an important part of preschool education talents training.According to the reality and professional characteristics of music education in preschool education in China,piano plays an important role in organizing children's music activities.Therefore,in the goal of training preschool education professionals,it has become a necessary skill for music education to organize children's music activities with piano.Preschool education major of Hubei Ezhou secondary professional school is a provincial-level brand major,and piano teaching,as an important course to improve students' professional skills,is also quite concerned in teaching.Therefore,it is necessary to carry out comprehensive reform in order to strengthen the quality of piano teaching in combination with the actual teaching situation of the school.This article consists of three parts:introduction,text and conclusion.The introduction part includes the background of the topic selection,the significance of the research,the analysis of the current research situation at home and abroad,the literature review and the research methods.The main text contains three aspects.First,the analysis of the current situation of piano teaching in preschool education in Ezhou secondary specialized schools(hereinafter referred to as "Ezhou secondary school").These include the investigation of student foundations,the investigation of teachers and teachers,the investigation of teaching content,the investigation of teaching methods,the investigation of teaching applications,and the investigation of teaching evaluation.The second is to discuss the existing problems of piano teaching in preschool education specialty in Ezhou,including students,teachers,teaching content,teaching forms,teaching methods,teaching materials,and teaching evaluation systems.Third,some thoughts and suggestions on the piano teaching of preschool education majors in Ezhou secondary school.From the sources of students to control,the introduction of talents,the richness of teaching content,the diversity or teaching methods,the innovation of teaching methods,the practicality of teaching materials and the scientific teaching evaluation system to elaborate seven aspects.The third part is the conclusion,draws the conclusion and expresses the author's expectation for the piano teaching of preschool education in Ezhou,which promotes the overall improvement of piano teaching in preschool education.Based on the theory of piano education,this study uses a variety of research methods such as questionnaires,observations,interviews,and case studies,combined with their actual teaching experience.It aims to thoroughly analyze the present situation,problems and shortcomings of piano teaching in preschool education specialty in Ezhou secondary school,improve the quality of teaching,and train more first-line kindergarten educators with piano professional knowledge and skills.
Keywords/Search Tags:secondary vocational school, preschool education, piano teaching
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