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A Report On Translation Of Nordic Market Report 2014

Posted on:2021-05-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C G YaoFull Text:PDF
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This Report is written based on the E-C translation task of Nordic Market Report 2014.The source text is in the format of.pdf with a total of 14,000 words,prepared by the Nordic Energy Regulators on the basis of data and information for 2013 to mainly describe the basic status and developments in the Nordic electricity market,and published in April 2014.The source text is of English for Science and Technology(EST).EST texts are quite different from other types of texts in terms of lexical and syntactical features.Specially,scientific terms are widely used with the characteristics of monosemy,and a large number of long sentences with a complicated structure are also applied.The source text has a total of 80 “with(without)+ NP” structures including 77 “with + NP” structures and 3 “without + NP” structures.EST texts are logic,precise and objective,and their translations should be accurate,smooth and concise.It takes two months to complete the translation task,including translation and quality assurance by the Translator,and proofreading by the Supervisor.On the completion of the translation task,the Translator consults relevant materials for translation of “with(without)+ NP” structures,realizes the shortcomings by translation contrast and prepares this Report based on the translation task.This Report has six chapters.Chapter 1 introduces the text source and features,translation requirements,report structure and methodology.Chapter 2 is about pretranslation preparations including character recognition,project creation,file analysis and machine translation.Chapter 3 mainly introduces the editing of target segments,quality assurance and translation export during the process of machine translation postediting.The computer-aided translation tools including memo Q,Google Translate,Google search engine and QA checker are used in Chapter 2 and Chapter 3.Chapter 4is the central part of this Report,and focuses on the translation methods of“with(without)+NP”structure in the translation task.The“with(without)+NP”structures in the source text can be translated into a“sub.+pred.”structure,a“pred.+obj.”structure,a clause or an adverbial structure in Chinese.Among them,the“pred.+obj.”structure in the target text can be divided into two sub-types:the first is that a“pred.+obj.”structure serves as an attributive,the second is that a“pred.+obj.”structure serves as a complementary to the main clause.Chapter 5 is the translation contrast,and mainly discusses the semantic and syntactic differences between“?”(he)and“?”(yu),and“??”(youyu)and“??”(yinwei).Chapter 6 is the conclusion of this Report.The analysis of cases and translation contrast are both implemented based on the E-C translation task of Nordic Market Report 2014.Due to the limitation of corpus capacity,the analysis of the different translation methods of “with(without)+ NP” structure may be limited,and this Report also has certain limitations.However,the analytical methods presented in the process of translation,as well as the computer-aided translation and quality assurance adopted in the translation task,are of great reference significance for EST translators and EST translation teaching.
Keywords/Search Tags:CAT, Nordic Electricity Market, “with (without)+NP” structure, translation
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