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Research On Modern Chinese Discourse Marker "NiYiwei"

Posted on:2021-04-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q LuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2415330605450044Subject:Chinese Philology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This paper focuses on the discourse marker "Niyiwei" in modern Chinese.In the past,most scholars paid attention to the syntactic nature of the rhetorical question "Niyiwei+X?".However,the research on the function of discourse marker "Niyiwei" in oral communication act is in the blank.Based on extensive collection of real corpus materials,this article conducts a comprehensive investigation of "Niyiwei",striving to reveal the laws and make objective explanations.This paper is mainly divided into seven chapters.The first chapter is exordium,which explains the reason of choosing this topic,the review of the research,the source of the corpus,the significance and methods of the research.Discussed the value of this research.The second chapter defines and analyzes the identity of "Niyiwei".It focuses on discourse marker "Niyiwei" in oral communication act.Dividing it into "response marker"and "emphasis marker" according to differences of sequence position and discourse function.In the meantime,specifically describing the grammatical,semantic and prosodic features of the discourse marker "Niyiwei" to determine its status.The positional features and functional features of the discourse marker "Niyiwei" will be taken as the key content.Studying them in the third and fourth chapters.The third chapter focuses on the using environment of "Niyiwei ".It includes interactive mode of dialogic and monologue.Focus on the investigation of dialogue environment.Consider it from three aspects:(1)sequence environment.It covers the location distribution,sequence location distribution and the types of initiator and successor.(2)Semantic environment.That is situational information,which focuses on the cognitive state of both speakers.(3)Interpersonal environment.It mainly involves the identity relationship between participants.The fourth chapter focuses on the discourse function of "Niyiwei".According to the differences of using environment and communication purpose,the discourse functions of“Niyiwei”include approval function,confirmation function,communication function,coherence function(form coherence,content coherence)and negative judgment function(remind,unexpected,oppose,reprimand).The fifth chapter mainly analyzes the communicative characteristics of "Niyiwei".It is mainly reflected in two aspects:"low politeness" and "discourse power".Deliberately impolite speech forms can meet the needs of constructing a strong pragmatic identity.The sixth chapter explores the formation mechanism and evolution cause of discourse marker "Niyiwei".To seek a reasonable explanation for the emergence of "Niyiwei".The specific questions include:what is its original prototype?What is the evolution path?What is the external cause of its evolution?What conditions act as activators?The seventh chapter is conclusion.Summarizing the basic knowledge of this article.Pointing out the innovation and shortcomings of this study.Making a reasonable prospect for the follow-up research.
Keywords/Search Tags:"Niyiwei", Discourse markers, Discourse function, Communicative features, subjectivisation
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