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The Comparative Study Of "Three Creeds" Of The Great Learning Between Zhuzi And Yangming

Posted on:2021-01-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S LuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2415330602981364Subject:Chinese philosophy
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As the forty second part of the Book of Rites,the Great Learning has been attached great importance since the Song Dynasty.Zhuxi and Wang Yangming were both theorists who had a great influence on the interpretation of the Great Learning.It can be said that the development of Zhuxi's thought is closely related to the Great Learning,and he dedicated his life to the interpretation of this book.Wang Yangming,on the other hand,took the great learning as his position to criticize Zhuzi's thoughts one by one.Their different interpretations of "Three Creeds":"Manifest one's illustrious virtue","Love the people"and "Rest in the Goodness" not only intensively contained Zhuxi and Yangming's ideas about the Great Learning,but also reflected the different thinking venation between "principle(li)school" and "heart/mind school".The first part of this article is to analyze the content of "manifest one's illustrious virtue" of Zhuzi and Wang Yangming,and distinguish the relationship between"illustrious virtue"(mingde)and "manifest one's illustrious virtue"(ming mingde).The process from"illustrious virtue"to"manifest one's illustrious virtue"is Zhuzi's Neo-confucianized path of interaction between the theory of mind and nature and the theory of practice.Zhuzi believed thatc"one's illustrious virtue"is mainly about the mind.The mind of human beings is clear and empty.It contained the principle of all principles of things.Mind and moral mind of human beings are one thing,and Zhuzi's so-called "illustrious virtue"is just moral mind which are unavoidably affected by individual desires.That requires"manifest one's illustrious virtue"as the theory of practice.Wang Yangming believed that mind is the unity of all things, different from Zhuzi,who emphasized the clarity and rationality of the nature of the original mind.The"illustrious virtue"is conscience.The "manifest one's illustrious virtue" is the famous topic of Wang Yangming:the extension of innate knowledge.The second part is about the relationship between "Love the people" and "New people".Zhuxi inherited the view from Brothers Cheng,and took "New" as his substitute for "Love".And he not only took the original text,which did no have the word "love" but had "The fate is new",as an evidence of its change,but also put forward the mutual interpretation of the ancient characters "New" and "Love" as evidence of the change in the original text.Different from Zhuxi's change from "Love" to"New"and "Benevolence" to"Education",Wang Yangming insisted on the original text of "Love the people" in the ancient version,and thought it was is the manifestation of the unity of everything.Zhuxi's change from"Love" to "New"led to the transformation of behavior subjects and objects,while Wang Yangming kept the meaning of "Love the people"in ancient book,therefore,the subject and the object are integrated into the united body of everything.The third part,first of all,analyzes the connotation of "Goodness".Zhuzi argued that "Goodness" is "get to an unchangeable place,which means it is not only the Way(Dao)in the Great Learning,but also the theoretical construction of internal saints and external kings(neisheng waiwang).While Yangming thought that "Goodness" is"Heavenly Principles" and "Innate Knowledge".As for the relationship between the"Three Creeds",Zhuxi believed that "Illustrious Virtue" was the foundation and "New people" was the end.He showed that "Illustrious Virtue" and "Love the people" were regarded as two things in sequence.and "Goodness"was the highest standard that"Illustrious virtue" and "Love the people"can respectively get to.Wang Yangming thought that the relationship between "Illustrious virtue" and "Love the people" was"Substance and Function",which could not be divided into two parts.They were the two sides of "Goodness",which was also known as "Innate Knowledge"The fourth part points out that As the master of Neo-Confucianism,Wang Fuzhi summarized Zhu Zi and Wang Yangming's interpretation of the Great Learning,supported Zhu Zi's change from "Love" to "New" and believed that Wang Yangming's proposition of "Love the people" was similar to Buddhism and Taoism.Zhuxi's and Wang Yangming's ideological development is closely related to their interpretation of The Great Leaning,and their interpretation of "Three Creeds"deserves more in-depth discussion.After the comparsion of the two,we can further grasp the similarities and differences between "principle(li)school" and "heart/mind school "in ontology and the theory of practice.
Keywords/Search Tags:The Great Leaning, illustrious virtue, love the people, new people, Goodness
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