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Study On The Modernity Of Sanyu's Art

Posted on:2021-04-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2415330602477153Subject:Fine Arts
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As an artist who grew up in the turbulent times of the 20th century,Sanyu's personal works must be influence by The Times inperceptibly,and the tone of social spirit is reflected in his artistic creation.Sanyu's artistic style reflects the most urgent social appeal at that time--the intergration of Chinese and the West.He sought a delicate balance in the simple realism of the West and the poetic expression of the East.And defended the pure land of his artistic creation all his life,which is the epitome of the development of the times and national culture and art.In this paper,the research on the modernity of Sanyu's Art is mainly carried out in the following aspects:the first part is the introduction,which is to understand the current situation of Sanyu research at home and abroad,clarify the research content and clarify the significance of the research.The second part introduces Sanyu's life and mental course.and introduces the art environment at home and abroad before studying in Paris.The third and fourth parts are the focus of this paper.The third chapter analyzes the relationship and influence between the Paris school of painting and Sanyu,compares Sanyu's works with related artists,analyzes the interaction of Chinese art in Sanyu's works.His oil painting works with the line shape,inherits the oriental implication and innovates.forms has art works of modernity.The fifth part analyzes the influence of Sanyu's art on Chinese artists after twentieth century and their signficance to the development of Chinese art from the perspective of the times.Chapter six is a summary of this paper.Through the reaerch,this article aims to establish readers' understanding and deepening of art development trend under the influence of Sanyu and his era background.Through the study of Sanyu's life creation abroad and the analysis of his works of art,he puts forward the modernity embodied in Sanyu's art,explains Sanyu's inheritance of Chinese art and his acceptance,integration and communication of western painting,and his contribution to the history of Chinese art.
Keywords/Search Tags:San Yu, Sanyu's Art, The School of Paris, Poetic, Modernity
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