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The Study Of Sanyu's Painting Art

Posted on:2020-11-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X T ZhangFull Text:PDF
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Sanyu is one of the first batch of Chinese painters in modern times.After decades of silence,Sanyu's works have ignited a wave of Internet and auction markets.More and more people are beginning to question the creation principles of Sanyu's art.The aesthetic concept behind it.At present,the understanding and research of Sanyu in the academic circles at home and abroad mainly focuses on the fields of modernity,market value,and comparative study of Chinese and Western artists,while a few academic research papers on the oriental aesthetics of Sanyu painting are more inclined to emotional analysis.The combination of the study of the ontological language of Sanyu and the aesthetics of the East.In addition,there is very little information left by Sanyu's life,which brings certain difficulties to the study of Sanyu's and his artistic ideas,but it is precisely because of this that Sanyu's painting academic research has a broader space for exploration..Sanyu's works absorb the ancient Chinese traditional art form.It is the best tradition of oriental art to give him the most fundamental nutrition.Then he travels to Tokyo,and the Japanese sentiment gives him a new visual experience.The poetic aesthetic of oriental art is Sanyu's art.The basic characteristics.In connection with the experience of Sanyu's life,starting from the oriental aesthetics of Sanyu's paintings,combined with the language and subject matter of painting,the following studies are carried out on the oriental aesthetics contained in Sanyu's works:The first chapter mainly introduces Sanyu's life experience,explores the character of Sanyu from his education,study and life history,and describes the growth process of Sanyu as a painter.The second chapter divides Sanyu's works into pink period and black period,analyzes the subject of Sanyu painting,and divides the subject matter into four categories: woman body,still life,landscape and animal.According to the observation method and comparative analysis method,Sanyu's painting theme The oriental beauty contained in it.The third chapter takes Sanyu's concrete works as an example,analyzes his painting techniques with professional theoretical knowledge,interprets the formal language of Sanyu's works and analyzes its meaning,and studies the different strokes,lines and color characteristics of Sanyu's in different periods.It corresponds to the traditional Chinese painting theory and explores the source of Sanyu's technique.The fourth chapter first studies the poetic characteristics of oriental aesthetics,and then divides the concrete expression of Oriental beauty in Sanyu's painting into two parts: the Chinese aesthetic concept in Sanyu's painting is divided into classical beauty and Yimei beauty.The aesthetic part is the beauty of the sorrow,the beauty of the sacredness,and the oriental aesthetics and poetic related theory books.The literature research method is used to interpret the oriental beauty of Sanyu's art.The fifth chapter mainly discusses the enlightenment that Sanyu's art brings to the development of Chinese art and the nationality of Chinese painting.Through the art of Sanyu,the paper analyzes the guiding role of poetic aesthetics and traditional art on the development of Chinese modern national art.For today's paintings,it is an important topic to form an artistic style with Chinese national characteristics and to construct a discourse power and aesthetic system for oriental aesthetics.The development of art cannot leave the soil of the country.The aesthetics and traditional art of the East have the same vitality and value as the aesthetics of Western art.They pay too much attention to Western aesthetics and neglect the East we live in.Discarding traditional art is a waste of tradition.the behavior of.As a well-respected Chinese painter,Sanyu will greatly promote the problem by studying the oriental aesthetics in his art,and also provide a national expression of Chinese oil painting a viable road.
Keywords/Search Tags:Sanyu, Oriental Aesthetics, Traditional Art, poetic
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