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Battle And Singing

Posted on:2020-01-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M S LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2415330602457538Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Gang Fu(1907-1998)is an outstanding native poet of Shanxi who participated in the revolution at the time of the national crisis and fought and sang for the revolution and the people;His poems have a strong sense of reality,revolution and struggle,and reading his poem gives people a strong sense of power.The poet's poetry creation in more than 70 years is concentrated in his collection of poems Battle and Singing,Ode to the Great turnaround of the people,Gang fu's Poetry Selection and so on.Gang Fu's poetry is full of love for the country's homeland,full of whiplash against the darkness of the times,the search for meaning of life,and the sublimation of abstract love,which are scattered in his poetry.Gang Fu is not only a pioneer and promoter of modern poetry in Shanxi,but also a member of the outstanding poets of Shanxi poetry.This paper consists of three parts: The first part focuses on the poetry of Gang Fu in his youth,combines the background of the times and the experience of the poet,analyzes the influencing factors and concerns of the poet's creation,explore the unique rhetoric of the existence time for poet's life in his poetry and the struggle and commitment of individual life in the era.The second part focuses on grasping the praise of natural landscape and native people in Gang Fu‘s poems and telling the changes of Shanxi from the revolutionary era to the new century,and feeling the joy of the native people that the old appearance of the revolutionary old district changed its new face under the leadership of the Communist Party of China.The third part is closely related to the memories of the past in his poem,the record of real life,the nostalgia for the former comrades,trying to grasp the emotional connotation and manifestation mode of Gang Fu,in order to have a more accurate and deeper understanding of the poet Gang Fu's emotional world.
Keywords/Search Tags:Gang Fu, Shanxi poetry, battle, singing, poem popularization
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