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The Study On Yang Xian's Official Script

Posted on:2020-08-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y C WangFull Text:PDF
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Yang Xian as a famous scholar,poet and a specialist of epigraphy in the late Qing Dynasty,and he also got much attainment in calligraphy.Yang's calligraphy mainly includes official script and running script,and Yang got a great fame in the calligraphic community of the late Qing Dynasty with the " official script with grass ".Wu Chang shuo who is the disciple of Yang was inspired by Yang to create "ancient seal character with grass" ? Yang's calligraphy also had a significant impact on Japanese calligraphy that Kusakabe Meikaku who was a famed Japanese calligrapher also been tutored by him.In this thesis,we will seek the origin of Yang's official script calligraphy and grasp the various kinds of steles of the Han Dynasty.Furthermore,we also need to analyse systematically the calligraphic ideology of Yang Xian through researching his life story and social intercourse.The calligraphic style of Yang Xian's official script is mainly divided into "unadorned","elegant" and "unrestrained".The first style is derived from his early better education and scholarship spirit of plain which he learned from his two teachers:Zang Shougong and Chen Huan;The second style is greatly related to his official career in middle-age of life,and it is also a reflection of the thought of "loyalty to the country and people".The third style is exactly the reflection of his personality of upright and defiant,and it also embodys the " great liberation and great ease " of Yang Xian who had suffered a lot before.It is our duty to analyse the official script calligraphy of Yang Xian from the aspects of brushwork,ink style,structure and layout,so as to achieve the goal of "analysing the outside appearance and probing into the essence".Finally,I can learn a lot from Yang Xian's calligraphic concept and practice.Meanwhile,I will try to form my own art language in my graduation creation on the basis of his calligraphy works which is the process of transformation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Yang Xian, Official script, Calligraphy, Artistic features, Creation
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