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E-C Translation Of Clinical Evaluation-HyperQTM System

Posted on:2020-01-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T S ChenFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The source material for this translation practice report is Clinical Evaluation-HyperQTM from Israel Biosignal Processing Co.Ltd.The purpose of this clinical evaluation is to examine whether the performance and safety of the HyperQTM system are consistent with the BSP statement.In order to make the distributors and hospitals in China understand the functions and data of this new ECG signal analysis system,after receiving the E-C translation task of this clinical evaluation report,the company entrusted the author,together with other colleagues,to work together to translate this report into Chinese.The author is mainly responsible for the translation,and the other colleagues in the project team are responsible for the post-proofreading.This translation report is divided into five chapters:the first chapter is an introduction,which introduces the project background,the project significance,the text characteristics and the client's requirements;the second chapter describes the task process,including the preparation before translation and the translation process;the third chapter introduces the post-translation matters,i.e.the quality control methods and customer feedback;the fourth chapter is the case analysis,which is also the most important part of this practice report.The clinical evaluation report carries out its own stylistic features and the author formulates translation strategies according to its text characteristics.Through consulting medical dictionaries,reading references on scientific translation and consulting professionals in relevant fields,the translator determines and ensures the consistency and accuracy of professional terms;through the analysis of the context,the translator sometimes transforms the passive voice into active one,flexibly changes the part of speech of the vocabulary and divides the complex sentence into several clauses in Chinese.The fifth chapter is the summary of this practice,which summarizes and expounds the gains and perceptions in the whole translation practice project.
Keywords/Search Tags:Clinical Evaluation Report, Text Characteristics, Translation Strategies
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