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A Report On The E-C Translation Of Two NDT Technical Instructions For Valve Components

Posted on:2019-08-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S J LiaoFull Text:PDF
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English for Science and Technology,short for EST,is not unfamiliar for English learners.Facilitated by the development of economy and society,EST has now embraced a diverse range of fields.A great number of multinational companies entering China brings a wealth of documents like management and technical documents which can be categorized as EST.Be it for the purpose of those companies' internal or external communication and collaboration,quite a number of those documents are in demand of being translated into other languages.The translation task discussed in this thesis contains two technical instructions on NDT.According to the categorization of EST by Fang Mengzhi(2003,91),EST texts fall into two types-general EST texts and specialized EST texts.And the two texts in the translation task belong to the latter one as they contain loads of technical terms and expressions on NDT.Over the past decades,more attentions have been paid to researches on EST translation and most of them are very instructive and pragmatic for translation practice.Notwithstanding,those researches are mostly based on general EST texts like science readings,and those on specific purpose are relatively less.And what's more,the fields that EST involved are so extensive that researches on EST translation are impossible to cover all of them.In view of these two reasons,the author selects the translation task of two NDT technical instructions in this report,in an attempt to provide some references for translators dealing with such texts.The thesis,being composed of five chapters,is prefaced with an introduction that is subdivided into four parts:background of the thesis,description of the task,significance of the thesis and structure of the thesis.The 2nd chapter,theoretical framework,briefs Peter Newmark's text typology,his two translation methods of semantic translation and communicative translation,and more importantly,highlights why and how those theories are feasible to the translation task.Chapter three sequentially describes translation process:pre-translating,while-translating and after-translating.Chapter four,the most important part of the thesis,is an integration of theories and practices by illustrating how Newmark's theories are applied in the translation task.Chapter five,the last part of the thesis,is a conclusion on major findings and limitations of the translation practice.Through the task,the author draws the conclusion that to ensure a high-quality translation for NDT texts,technicality should be attached great importance to during the whole process of translation and will make foundation for a professional and smooth expression.Besides,textual consciousness should never be overlooked for a translator.Translation is far from the simple aggregation of lexical and syntactic meaning.Discourse is of great importance throughout translating.Last but not least,a translator should possess a high sense of responsibility through each stage of translation.Irresponsibility might lead to mistranslation or miss translating,and as a result,the information of source language won't be authentically and accurately delivered.
Keywords/Search Tags:EST, specialized EST texts, Newmark, Text Typology
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