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Research And Practice Of Thematic Image Creation For Large Art Installations

Posted on:2020-05-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G Y J ShangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The thematic images of large-scale art installations rely on the Internet and self-media platforms as the carrier,and continue to grow and become independent.However,in the special images for large-scale art installations,as the creators,they only consider the presentation of the works.Combining the characteristics of the works of large-scale art installations,more is to create from a subjective perspective,lack of theoretical guidance and research on the audience's viewing experience.Based on the thematic images of large-scale art installations,this paper combines literature analysis,quantitative research and qualitative research to analyze the audience's thematic image demand model for large-scale art installations,proposes corresponding strategies,and demonstrates the works for large-scale art installations through practice.The feasibility and effectiveness of the thematic image creation practice,the theoretical framework for the thematic creation of large-scale art installations,the optimization of the creative process and shooting techniques,improved work efficiency,reduced economic costs,and targeted at large-scale art.The special image creation practice of the installation works provides a certain guiding significance.
Keywords/Search Tags:large art installations, special images, creative practice
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