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A Study On The Classicalization Of Su Xun's Ancient Prose

Posted on:2020-08-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D XuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2415330578467396Subject:Chinese Language and Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As one of the Eight Masters of Ancient literature in the Tang and Song Dynasties,Su Xun,although he has no title of nobility like generals and ministers of state,he is versed in Confucianism thought,and have a good command of the theory of governing the country and the people,the strategy of marching and punishment,and also very accomplished in the methods of writing essays.He has no intention f preaching but has the intention to writing prose.He established a separate view of literary tradition.The author intends to study and analyze Su Xun's ancient prose from a new perspective,classicalization,and try to explore “why Su Xun become a classic?” and "What makes him classic?” and sort out the non-elaborate process of Su Xun's classicalization.It can be said that in the day of advocating classical reading,the construction of classics is not only related to the consciousness and originality of literature,but also to the identification of national identity in the situation of cultural globalization.It can not only bring us stable moral beliefs and humanistic feelings,but also become our spiritual pillar.This article is divided into four parts.Firstly,through the analysis of the ideological connotation and aesthetic value of Su Xun's ancient prose,it highlights the originality,universality and aesthetic foundation of Su Xun's classical prose.On the one hand,it analyses Su Xun's speech which can be used for reference,economic sense which benefits people,military stratagem for practical purpose and practical literary theory,and explores the connotation of classicalization of Su Xun's ancient prose,which is formed both by the thought of generality and individuality.On the other hand,it studies the aesthetic value of Su Xun's ancient prose in terms of composition structure and language rhetoric,and presents the aesthetic foundation of his classical ancient prose.Secondly,it explores one of the ways of Su Xun to make his ancient prose classics,and the compilation and circulation of Su Xun's collections of ancient prose in the past dynasties.Su Xun's collection of ancient prose in Song Dynasty experienced the process of phrased-unpopularity-prased,which provided textual support for the classicalization of ancient prose in later generations.Su Xun's collection of literature in Ming Dynasty was "more than one kind but with many mistakes and slips",which laid a holonomic foundation for the classicalization of ancient prose.Su Xun's collection of ancient prose in Qing Dynasty was "retro and unified",which provided the possibility for the construction of classicalization of Su Xun's ancient prose.Thirdly,the paper study the second way of classicalization of Su Xun's ancient prose,the role of selected editions in the construction of classicalization of Su Xun's ancient prose.Finally,through the literary criticism works of the past dynasties to sort out Su Xun's history of being accepted as a classical writer,and sort out interpretation of the article study on classicalization of Su Xun's ancient prose from four aspects,the style theory,origin theory,grammar theory,comment.
Keywords/Search Tags:Su Xun, Ancient Prose, Classicalization, Selected Version, Literary Criticism Works
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