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The Research Of Korean Students' Usage Preference Of The New HSK Teaching Materials Published In Korea

Posted on:2020-03-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z Y L E E J A E Y O LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2415330578451462Subject:Chinese international education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Preference is one of the important emotional states in learning a second Ian guage.Currently,scholars'research scope in the new HSKmaterials is limited to the basic vocabulary,grammar,and so on,and there is no student preference st udy in the new HSKmaterials yet.This paper summarizes the research on new HS K teaching materials of scholars in China and Korea,analyzes the status of use of Korean publishing new HSK materials in detail,and finally selected the new HSK materials of the 15 volumes of the original Korean publication.Through the surv ey and the method of reporting visits with students and teachers,the relevant d ata are collected and analyzed to obtain the preference for the use of Korean pu blushing new HSKmaterialsfor Korean students.In addition,the corresponding proposalfor publication is made.The following conclusions were drawn from the surveys and in-depth interviews:Korean students'preference for the Korean publishing new HSK materials is deeply influenced by the design and structure of the book,and the better the b ook design,the more detailed the structure is,the more they like to use it.The reason for the use of the Korean publication new HSKmaterialsfor Korean st udents is mainly because thematerials put more importance on grammar and ex planation of Chinese culture,and because the editor considered listening.Thus,t he Korean publishingnew HSK materials have multifunctionality.Specifically,Kor ea is a country that highly valuesesthetic standards.This feature directly affected the Korean publication of the new HSK materials.Korean students'preference for new HSK teaching materials is relatively high in relation to visual effects.At the same time,the Korean students hope to add conversational Chinese contents to the Korean publishing new HSK.
Keywords/Search Tags:New HSK materials, Korean publicatio, usage preference
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