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Ethical Examination Of Capital Logic And Its Regulation And Utilization

Posted on:2020-03-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C H CaiFull Text:PDF
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The operation of capital logic has a positive and negative impact on society and has created new problems over time,which leaves us a possibility and necessity to its review.Capital has the dual meaning of as a factor of production and as a social relationship.Its generation is the result of changes in the relationship between productivity and production in a specific historical context.With the change of the times,it has different forms of expression.Whether starting from the dual subjectivity of moral ethics,or from the disciplinary basis of economic ethics,or from the essential attributes of capital,the operation of capital logic belongs to the category of ethical research,and also the category that ethics can examine.The key to the problem lies in how to conduct an ethical review of capital logic,and how to judge the standards of “moral” and “non-moral” or “good” and “bad”."Morality" is a product of history.No matter how the standard of "moral" is expressed,the long-term development of society and the full development of human freedom will be an absolute moral code.The dual nature of capital regulation determines that the operation of capital logic will be a "tragic comedy" that is full of moral paradox on earth,because it brings not only the social civilization but also the moral cost.The "good" of capital logic manifests that one is to greatly release social productive forces,creating rich material wealth;the second is to enrich social relations,promoting human selfimprovement and development;the third is to promote the formation of globalization,forming a world history;the last is to stimulate the formation of the spirit of capital,laying the foundation for market economic ethics.At the same time,however,there is also an embarrassing but unavoidable phenomenon presenting in an opposite way,bringing a heavy price to society,such as the blindness of development,the alienation of human beings,the transfer of risks,and the loss of social order.The forty years of China's reform and opening up is the use of capital to develop the economy for forty years.To some extent,capital logic has had a profound impact on contemporary China.Applying the good effect of capital logic is the need of the current development of China and regulating the evil effect of capital logic is the proper way of building socialism with Chinese characteristics.Facing the dual effects between good and evil brought by capital logic,we can neither entirely let the capital logic run nor stop it.Using the capital on the basis of regulatory capital is the right way to treat capital logic.The regulation and application of capital logic can proceed from the institutional level and the cultural level.The cultural construction is a kind of flexible moisturizing,rigid and flexible behavior jointly guiding the capital logic if the system construction is a rigid correction.
Keywords/Search Tags:Capital, Capital logic, dual attribute, Ethical examination, Regulation and utilization
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