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Research On Documentary Of Local Culture

Posted on:2020-12-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P SongFull Text:PDF
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In 2013,the central conference on urbanization proposed that rural development should enable residents to see mountains,water and homesickness.At the congress marking the 95 th anniversary of the founding of the communist party of China,general secretary xi put forward confidence in the path,theory,system and culture.In the symposium on literature and art,the general secretary once again stressed that culture is an important force for the survival and development of a nation.New era,therefore,the state mining,and attaches great importance to the strengthening of traditional culture,a nation,a nation's roots is its culture,while culture exists in the folk,exists in rural,digging to the traditional culture,sort out and explore the connotation of culture,television as a medium of the masses have obligatory responsibility.As a media carrier,documentary has the function and responsibility of cultural communication,and its intuitive presentation has become an important way to express the cultural evolution in various regions.In order to study and implement the spirit of the 18 th national congress of the communist party of China(CPC)and the spirit of general secretary xi jinping's important speech at the symposium on literature and art,a large number of outstanding TV works have been produced in the field of film and television to show local culture and inherit regional civilization.In response to a call times,hosted by the puyang municipal party committee propaganda department,radio and television host of puyang city,launch television works "homesickness,puyang trip" series,a documentary will be long in the countryside of native culture and firm in the in the mind of the people's values,in the form of a story by story puyang,reliving classic ZuXun,looking for cultural genes,aims to make out the dragon township township children remember capacity,sounds wake up another homesickness;At the same time,by widening the communication channels,let more viewers see puyang's long history and deep feelings.The introduction of this paper firstly analyzes the research background and significance of local culture documentaries,expounds the profound historical origin between local culture and Chinese traditional culture,and proposes the research significance of this paper.Secondly,the research direction and status quo of "local culture","cultural inheritance","local culture documentary" and "puyang dragon culture" are sorted out and summarized.The first part of this paper generalizes the concept of local culture documentary by means of literature research and puts forward the view that local culture documentary and local culture are the premise and vested interests of each other.In the part of concept definition,it puts forward how to excavate local culture and how to inherit culture by image,and puts forward the research value and creative perspective of local culture documentary from different perspectives.The second part of the article from the creative positioning,creative content,creative significance,etc.It is proposed that the local cultural resources are the result of the long-term fermentation and evolution on the basis of the historical inheritance and innovation of the Chinese nation.Nostalgia puyang trip is a local TV work,which is based on the local people and has a natural advantage in the exploitation of local cultural resources.Based on the homesickness complex Shared by people,the documentary tells the story of the inheritance and development of puyang's local cultural resources by means of visible village changes and different scenes and subject interviews.A strong sense of cultural roots runs through the documentary,which is both valuable and persuasive.Through the lens of one person and one event,brick by brick,the documentary expresses people's feelings of giving up the country for a lifetime.The third part of the article mainly focuses on the analysis of the problems of "nostalgia · puyang journey".The first chapter mainly studies the lack of depth in the documentary content and the narrow vision of the documentary content.It emphasizes that the excavation of culture should not be taken out of context,and the concept of culture should be expanded from point to surface to increase the breadth of lens perspective.In the second chapter,from the perspective of the film's form of expression,there are some problems,such as the narrative is too plain,the lens is not fine enough and the performance of details is not enough.By selecting the first issue of banqiao zaifan and analyzing it through separate lens,this paper analyzes the reasons why the local TV documentary market is not optimistic.The third chapter is mainly about the promotion after the completion of documentary production.Single communication channels and rigid communication tenses will largely affect the development of documentary market and the mass media role of local cultural documentaries cannot be played.The last section of the article mainly aims at the problems proposed in the third chapter.In terms of the cultural connotation,narrative mode and promotion channels of documentaries,improvement plans are proposed to make good use of the diversity and interactivity of new media and broaden the communication channels of local cultural documentaries.The homesickness,puyang journey shooting also reflects the national mainstream media should bear the social responsibility,the documentary left us with a lot of puyang local classical historical epitome,the pursuit of the value of local culture,reflected by means of poetic aesthetics,let the audience on the border of reality and the past experience culture.On the other hand,through a comprehensive analysis of the documentary,in order to improve the quality of the next season and to provide experience for the production of other local cultural documentaries.
Keywords/Search Tags:local culture, TV documentary, Puyang culture, cultural inheritance
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