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Report On The Interpreting Of Heart Transplant:A Chance To Live

Posted on:2020-01-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J Y LuanFull Text:PDF
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Interpretation refers to the process in which an interpreter converts a source language into a target language in verbal form.With the rapid development of the economy,science and technology in the medical field are changing with each passing day,the exchanges in the medical field are constantly increasing.By introducing and interpreting(or translating)the latest medical knowledge and technology from abroad,it is not only beneficial to enrich the public's understanding of the latest medical trends,but also helpful for medical specialists to promote their skills.Therefore,interpretation(or translation)plays an important role in the communication and dissemination of medical technology.The material for this interpretation practice report was selected from the BBC documentary "Heart Transplant: A Chance to Live".The documentary interviewed seven patients in the UK who were in desperate need of a heart transplant between the ages of 8 months and 56 years,and presented the world's leading cardiothoracic surgery and medical treatment team in Fremantle Hospital in Britain.This documentary contains a large number of medical terminology in English,which is difficult for interpretation.This interpretation was made with consecutive interpretation mainly and simultaneous interpretation as complementary.Through the analysis on the problems of medical subjects in the interpretation based on the Interpretive Theory,the corresponding interpretation strategies and solutions are explored,and the experience is summarized to provide reference for future interpretation practice.This interpreting report is divided into five parts: background description,translating process presentation,guiding theory analysis,case analysis,and summary of interpretation.In reviewing the interpreting process,the report focuses on the “mission description and pre-translation preparation” phase,including background statements,translation task requirements,pre-translation vocabulary collection,etc.;in the chapter “Interpretation Process and Case Analysis” The author selected some representative cases appearing in the practice of interpretation,guided by the interpretive theory,carried out a textual analysis and discussion on this interpretation practice,and summarized the gains and losses in this practice in detail.Finally,I hope that this practical report can provide some help and reference for future interpretation work.
Keywords/Search Tags:documentary, heart transplant, consecutive interpretation, simultaneous interpretation, interpretative theory
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