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On The Alienation And Regression Of Human Nature In The Club

Posted on:2020-07-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2415330575990295Subject:English Language and Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
David Williamson is the most famous contemporary Australian playwright and has the largest audience.His play The Club is a far-reaching satirical play,which tells a story of a football club in Melbourne in the 1970 s.Everyone in the play tries all means to gain profits.There are full of infightings and conspiracies between the administrators and players.The play reflects people's selfishness and people's concept of money worship,and the indifference and mutually beneficial relationships between people,revealing the alienation of human nature in contemporary Australian society.This thesis discusses the alienation of human nature in The Club by using Erich Fromm's alienation theory of human nature.In the play,the alienation of characters is reflected in the alienation of human himself and the alienation between man and the others.The alienation of human itself is mainly manifested in the slaves of power,the devil of lust,and the overdependence on material things.While the alienation between man and man is manifested in the alienation of male and female relations and the alienation of male colleagues.In addition,the causes of the alienation of human nature are analyzed from the external and internal perspectives.External causes refer to social causes,including the concept of materialism and the concept of male chauvinism,while internal cause refer to existential contradiction put forward by Fromm.Finally,the regression of human nature is reflected in some characters,so that readers can see the light and hope.
Keywords/Search Tags:The Club, Human nature, Alienation, Regression, Causes
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