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On The Alienation And Regression Of Human Nature Described By Francois Mauriac

Posted on:2012-07-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y Q GongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2215330338971474Subject:Comparative Literature and World Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Francois Mauriac was a famous writer of France's in the 20th century, his novel took the Boerduo in the south of France as a background,sharply exposed the alienation of human nature in bourgeois families:there weren't love,warmth,sympathy and understanding between parents and children as well as husbands and wives,there were only greedy, treachery, possessive and revengeful people as well as the conflict of benefit of their own, the touch of humanity disappeared without a trace. In 1952, Mauriac was awarded the Nobel Literature Prize because of the spirit of insight and artistic display of passion which were demonstrated in his novels when he depicted the drama of human life.Mauriac also was a Catholic, his described various figures' " crime " and "evil " in bourgeois families. However, he did not like an ordinary religious writers who took the work as a tool to vent some kinds of religious fanaticism or promote a doctrine, but to work as a weapon to save humanity. Therefore , he tried to portray the "viper" and" devil "and expose their evil , his purpose was to allow the soul be aware of their sin Inspired by God , getting salvation through repentance and the love of God.In Mauriac's opinoin, keeping faith in God can make the good of humanity as well as give hope and strength, one can be saved only through keeping faith in God.His novel created a relief cottage of "God is love" for these alienated souls .Mauriac push people to the road of reflection through the way of show evil human nature,this writing method were called "We used a torch to light the abyss" by himself, and it made the people in the novel find their human nature through converting God finally.Mauriac was often considered as a realist because of the depiction of human nature and criticism of the reality, and his works were full of mark of traditional realism. However, Mauriac also had made a certain innovation when he inherited from the traditional realism, which not only reflected on the work content, but also on the writing technique ,that is: compatibility of realism and embracing modernism. He depicted the psychology of the characters by hallucinations and Interior monologue etc, showing the inner world of the characters to readers in order to spark the their sympathy, So that made the works have a strong artistic effect.
Keywords/Search Tags:Francois Mauriac, Human Nature, Alienation, Regression
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