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Ideological Research About The Theory Of Transforming Samklesa Into Vyavadana In The Vijnaptimatratasiddhi

Posted on:2020-12-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X L DiaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2415330575964755Subject:Religious Studies
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This study is based on "Vijnaptimatratasiddhi" and related Yogacara classics,mainly Buddhist classics and supplemented by modern academic interpretation.This research mainly discusses the interpretation of the theory of transforming sam klesa into vyavadana in Yogacara and studies how to form a system based on the theoretical interpretation of the theory of samklesa-vyavadana.As a part of the theory of Consciousness-only theory,the theory of samklesa-vyavadana is often used to interpret the theories of tri-svabhava,Bija theory,Eight Consciousnesses and so on.We can also grasp the idea of the theory of samklesa-vyavadana with the help of relevant Consciousness-only theory:the theoretical origin of the idea of "the theory of sam klesa-vyavadana" is The three natures of Buddhism,parikalpitah-svabhava is miscellaneous,parinispanna-svabhava is pure based on the interpretation of the Three Models.All methods of purifying are born from paratantra-svabhavava and turning from samklesa to parisuddha depends on Paratatra to play its key role.The main body of the two methods of samklesa-vyavadana is the alaya-vijana.The alaya-vijana's different definitions are shown in its various synonyms,while the changes about alaya-vijana also belongs to the category of transformation of samklesa-vyavadana.In Tathagatagarbha classic,alaya-vijana's constancy is often replaced by the word Tathagatagarbha,which has a homogeneous special taste.According to the theory of asraya-paravrtti,according to alaya-vijnana,the contaminated seeds are transformed from samklesa to parisuddha,and in the seven transformations there is a difference between the knowledge of contamination and the knowledge of purification.Manas-vijnana's constant consideration lead to Vasana,so asraya-paravrtti is the key for seven consciousness to turn to clean;The core of turning to vyavadana is to turn contaminated Eight Consciousnesses into clean four intelligences.According to"Vijnaptimatratasiddhi" turning to four meanings,turning to vyavadana"is aimed at breaking away the trouble barrier(klesavarana)and Know barrier(jneyavarana).Breaking away the two barriers is different according to the difference between seeds(Bija)and habits.Yogacara uses non-discriminating wisdom as the connection between asrava and anasrava,and also points out that the key to the purification of the conversion is to prevent the self-heart from being covered by anivrta.The idea of samklesa-vyavadana is related to the function and function of individual conscientiousness,and has many intersections with the development direction of modern psychology.The content of consciousness and caitta can have dialogue with the emotional research field of psychology.However,the concept of "turning sam klesa to vyavadana" can also be compared with the formation and development of individual personality.
Keywords/Search Tags:Transforming samklesa into vyavadana, Eight Consciousnesses, Vijnaptimatratasiddhi
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