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The Error Analysis And Instructional Design Of The Verb "Neng" And "Hui" In The Primary Stage Of T Hailand

Posted on:2020-06-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H H MaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2415330572977310Subject:Chinese international education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the teaching of Chinese as a foreign language,the willing verb "Neng" and "Hui" is an unavoidable difficulty in the acquisition of Chinese.Previous research on Noumenon has achieved fruitful results,but in the practical teaching of Chinese as a foreign language,it is difficult for teachers to apply the theoretical research results directly to classroom teaching.Therefore,the representative "Neng" "Hui " in the willing verbs is selected as the research object,and combined with the practical teaching experience,through the investigation and analysis of the acquisition group of Thai native language,the author puts forward a targeted instructional design.Based on the theory of contrastive analysis,this study uses test papers,interviews,classroom observations and other methods to study the acquisition of "Neng" " Hui " by students in the Summer School of Roi Et Technical College,Thailand.On the basis of the test paper,this paper analyzes the errors of the "Neng" and "Hui" verbs in Thai students,sums up the types of errors,and looks for the reasons for the errors.Then the corresponding teaching principles and methods are put forward,and the Chinese willing verb "Neng" and "Hui" are used as the concrete teaching contents in classroom teaching.The above research shows that emphasis on the possibility of subjective speculation,the objective possibility,the ability acquired through learning and the ability to limit a certain ability by condition have the lowest correct rate in the test paper.It is difficult for students to grasp these four kinds of semantics,and it is easy to be confused.Negative transfer of mother tongue,negative transfer of target language,communication strategy and classroom teaching of teachers are the reasons why Thai students make errors in the process of acquiring the willing verb "Neng" and "Hui".In the classroom teaching,the flexible application of induction method,contrast method and teaching method can effectively reduce the students' errors.teachers should continue to strengthen cognition.Students' understanding of "Neng" and "Hui" of willing verbs and encouraging students to output more willing verbs "Neng" and "Hui" should be corrected in time for errors caused by students in the process of output.
Keywords/Search Tags:Thai Chinese Teaching, Willing Verb, Neng, Hui, Error Analysis, Instructional Design
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