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The Loneliness Of Painting

Posted on:2020-06-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M KangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
My creation focused on the demonstration of loneliness in painting,largely influenced by the painting art of Edward Hopper.By exploring and practicing such form of representation,I expressed my own concept and idea of creation.Upon graduation,Iconfused and calm,explored the relation among myself,individual as well as life and reviewed myself through the painting creation.The paper discussed on my process of the painting creation and my opinion from the following three aspects:firstly,the loneliness embodied by the painting of Edward Hopper inspired me a lot and the paper set forth the reason why I chose daily life and open scenery as his subject in the process of painting creation.Secondly,as to the process of exploration and practice of the painting language,the paper mainly expounded the application of technique of expression in the painting creation.I expressed his thinking by analyzing the problems faced in the process of practice and laid out from the painting mode of colors and texture in painting.Thirdly,in the concept of painting,the paper explained the reason why I expressed the loneliness in the painting from the meaning of expression of loneliness and the thinking of individual oil creation through practice.
Keywords/Search Tags:Edward hopper, Loneliness, the representation form of painting
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