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Research On The "On The Way" Image In Chinese Modern Novel

Posted on:2020-09-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J L ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2415330572475432Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The modern China in the first half of the 20th century was in turmoil.With the development of the modern literature,the image on the road" in the modern novel is gradually on the stage of the literature,becoming one of the main images of the modern writers to write the modern society and express the modern idea.The setting of the "on the way image is closely related to the traditional concept of the "Shi Zhou" of the intellectuals and the cognitive and psychological experience of the modern intellectuals.On the other hand,the struggle process of the intellectuals in the pursuit of the modern ideal is also reflected,and the modern mental state of the group is also reflected.In the critical period of the country undefined country,the nation undefined crisis and the social unrest,the Chinese modern intellectuals took the responsibility to shoulder their shoulders,and walked in the forefront of the times,and deeply thought about the day and night of the reconstruction of the cultural system,and made a brave attempt to save the family.To make a positive and untiring pursuit for social stability.“On the road",the image is frequently appearing in the modern writer's undefined works and the modern intellectuals who have inherited the lofty sentiments of the ancient literati on the way" have used this image to express more abundant meaning.This paper will comb the spiritual source of the "on the way" image and the formation and the "on the way" of the "on the way" image in the literary text from the ancient literature to the modern novel.And the aesthetic value and the value of the thought are clarified.This article will begin with five parts to discuss the "on the way" image in the Chinese modern novel.The first part mainly explains the purpose of the "on the way" image asithe object of the study and the significance of the research,and sorts the relevant research documents,determines the specific research scope and method,and defines the main concepts such as the image,the space image,the "on the way" image and the like.The second part is mainly from the spiritual root of the image in the road and its formation in the literary text,from the literati tradition of the ancient scholar to the way,to the way of the modern intellectual in the modern context,to analyze the deep spiritual source of the image in the road,This paper analyses how it is mature in the classical literature,and then analyzes the development of the "on the way" image in the modern novel,and classifies it from the space.The third part mainly discusses the theme of the "on the way" image.By combing the "on the way" image in the modern novel,the main reason,the target type and the psychological state of the main "on the way" behavior of the main body are analyzed,and the specific theme conveyed by the rich symbolic meaning is analyzed.For example,under the condition that the feudal power is still strong and the modern society is in a continuous war,the main body of the "on the way",in order to escape the physical and mental restraint of the individual,escape the escape theme conveyed from the real-life dilemma;the relative freedom of the thought consciousness,the reality of the survival demand and the intellectuals of the world,In order to find the inner peace,to find the place of survival,to seek the search theme that the salvation of the country has derived from the world of the world,wait until the target is to be clear,after the ups and downs,the intellectuals after the thorough and complete awakening,the pursuit of the family,the ideal personality and the pursuit of the theme.The different themes represent the different conditions,the height and the choice of the modern intellectuals.The fourth part mainly discusses the spiritual connotation of the "on the way" image.The "on the way" is the image of the experience of cultural accumulation,with the characteristics of the inheritance and the modern features,including the sincere emotion and attitude of the intellectuals,and also the spiritual outlook of the modern intellectuals.Under the control of the traditional local consciousness,the "on the way" presents the drifting state of the intellectual "loss of culture" undefined modern experience,and the "on the way" of the Tinside and outside" undefined thought always conveys the modern belief of the intellectuals undefined positive and aggressive progress;In the contrast of the traditional Chinese tourism experience,the "on the way" undefined life expression is extremely and cruel,and the intellectuals in this situation show the identity of the original life and the life consciousness that is born to death.The fifth part mainly discusses the value of "on the road" image.Through the breakthrough in the language expression of the image on the road and the exploration of the attribute of spatial connection,the aesthetic value of the image is analyzed.Combined with the representative characteristics of the ancient and modern inheritance of the image "on the road" and the recognition of modern writers,this paper examines the value of its literary history.Through the study,we find that the "image" of "on the road" in the modern novel is the result of the survival and spiritual dilemma faced by modern intellectuals,but the subject of the image "on the road" shows a positive attitude towards the dilemma.Think conscientiously about the way out for the nation undefined nationalities and individuals."On the road" shows the modern experience of modern intellectuals' undefined displacement,expresses the modern spirit temperament that intellectuals dare to struggle,pursue tirelessly and never give up.
Keywords/Search Tags:Modern novel, on the road, Image, Theme symbol, Spiritual connotation
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