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Research On The Development Trend Of Chinese Image Art Market

Posted on:2019-12-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M Y GuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2415330542961109Subject:Fine Arts
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid development of our economy,the continuous progress of society and the continuous improvement of people's living standard,people have higher requirements for spiritual yearning besides physical satisfaction,and have a deeper pursuit of art.People's love for art has not only stayed at the level of appreciation,but under certain conditions,people have been more involved in the creation and investment of art,making the value of art more apparent and making the form of art development diversified and rich.As an indispensable art form,image art is gradually deepening into people's life.The market of Chinese art of photography has gradually opened and gradually developed.Economic development,social progress,material growth and people's pursuit of spirit are interdependent and mutually reinforcing.Image works of art are economic,social,cultural,natural,environmental,art,science and technology and other aspects of the unified and coordinated development.Image art,as a combination of various aspects,records the change of life,carries the development of the times,shows the progress of human civilization,is an important visual material that reflects social changes,and is an important topic of scientific research.I went through several field trips in Beijing galleries and the local image Huachen auction site,learning and research,and through analysis,reading and understanding,then the method of comprehensive analysis of references,using the pictures and data statistics to show the development trend,the image of the art market at the same time,based on these data.Gradually,adding his own ideas,improve the overall idea,make the article more persuasive.This article is divided into four chapters.The first chapter expounds the basic concept of image art;second chapter from the image collection and auction to introduce the China image of the art market,also introduced several important galleries and auction houses;the third chapter from the perspective of the origin of video,video art collection to video art to introduce video art market in the fourthchapter from the perspective of photography;photography,to introduce the art market in China,mainly introduces and analyzes China's photography collection system and the auction market.Taking Huachen auction companies as an example,this paper introduces the auction of image art in recent years.At the same time,it analyzes the shortage and Countermeasures of the auction of China's video art market,and concludes the future of the art market in China.In recent years,in the face of the status quo of China's image of the art market,the implementation of some measures to solve the problems: Although many galleries,auction houses,art gallery or some art institutions often held photography exhibition and video installation exhibition,and started a lot of video works,but due to the lack of comments or photography exhibition professional help,lead to the uneven quality of image works,video art in China need professional image critics and curators from various angles and aspects to judge the exhibition,to improve the overall quality of the image;in the auction,referring to the domestic and foreign successful auction case study outstanding auction work,improve the image of the auction market auction;countries to introduce relevant policies and laws and regulations,to maintain the image of the art market health Orderly operation,standardize China image art market;art of import and export tariff adjustment,promote the development of China's art market with reasonable tax;improve the Chinese photography history,the image art market has the support of a comprehensive theoretical basis;training teachers and students to cultivate image,can understand and know more photography the talent of the art market.Throughout the development of China image art market for more than 20 years,the image of the market development is very rapid,but the development of image of the auction market is not mature,now Chinese image art market development is not balanced,in urgent need of systematic study,comprehensive and perfect,promote the development of Chinese image art market.
Keywords/Search Tags:Chinese Image Art, Image collection, Image auction
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