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On Hadrian Royal Progress

Posted on:2018-06-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M GongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2415330515966582Subject:World History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The late Roman Republic to imperial period,with the establishment of Augustus head of politics,the Rome Empire dominated the world in peace and prosperity,following with two hundred year of peace.At this time,Romans in addition to enjoyed all kinds of entertainment and food,but also keen to travel.In the Roman golden time,the emperor Hadrian prefered to royal progress,by this,he ruled and managed the empire.Within twenty-one years of reign,Hadrian had nearly half the time traveling in the provinces,his footprint was almost throughout the whole of Rome empire.Royal progress was a way of management Rome Empire of Hadrian,His royal progress left a thick and heavy in colours in the Roman travel world.The thesis consists of three parts: introduction,text and conclusion.The introduction briefly introduces the significance of the topic,research status at internal and abroad,research methods and innovation.The text is divided into four chapters to discusses the background,cause,and process of Hadrian's royal progress and its influence.In the first chapter,the author makes a brief survey of the ancient Romans travel.The Romans traveler was very famous in the ancient world.The travel conditions was increasing maturity,creating more and more travel opportunities for the Romans.A peaceful and stable political situation,the vast territory,the prosperity and development of the economy,good infrastructure,hedonistic culture,different travelers has different travel motivation,prompting Rome's politicians,businessmen,Intellectuals and travel enthusiasts launched a series of political,economic and cultural tours and leisure trip.The second chapter discusses the historical reasons of Hadrian's royal progress.Good family environment,rich life experience,fine cultural accomplishment had laid a solid foundation for the royal progress of Hadrian throughout the Empire.In fact,royal progress was a means of his rule and governance of Rome.By the royal progress,He stabilized the political situation,easing the contradiction with the Senate.Through traveled the frontier provinces,Hadrian ended the turbulent war of the border,closely contacted with the people of the border areas,stabilized the Rome frontier of the empire.The third chapter discusses the history course of Hadrian's royal progress.During the reign of Hadrian,Hadrian almost non-stop traveling in the Empire,his footprint was almost throughout the whole of Rome empire.In the year of121,Hadrian began his first large-scale cruise,arrived at the north and west of the Empire,from Germanic,Britain and Spain,ad 125,after short circuit of North Africa returning to Rome.Began the year of 128,Hadrian went to the broad eastern provinces of Rome empire of through second large-scale cruise,as far as Egypt,Palestine,Syria,Asia Minor and so on,until the end of the 132 year.By this Hadrian ruled the nation and Empire,bringing the happiness to the citizens of the empire.The fourth chapter discusses the historical heritage and status of Hadrian's royal progress.In progress,Hadrian is keen to retained and repair reconstruction whit distinctive buildings.The Great Wall,Pantheon,the famous building Hadrian villa all were built in progress,had been included in the World Heritage List.Undoubtedly,they were Hadrian left the world bright pearl by circuit.Hadrian's royal progress occupies an important position in ancient Romans travel.He was not only a good emperor,to manage the empire through political trip,but also an admirer of the oriental culture seeking to gain cultural knowledge in progress.At the same time,he is also an ordinary traveler,Appreciating different parts of the Empire scenery and customs.The conclusion emphasizes the "restless" Hadrian is an important member of the ancient Romans travel team,whether in the ancient emperor of Rome,or in the world of the rulers at all times and in all countries,he playing a unique status.
Keywords/Search Tags:Hadrian's royal progress, Empire management, the ancient Rome travel
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