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Thesis On Lu Jia's "Xin Yu"

Posted on:2020-07-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X H ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2405330599951547Subject:Chinese philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Lu Jia was a thinker in the Han Dynasty.His works are only Xinyu,wh ich is the ideological and theoretical work in the Han Dynasty.The main idea s and logical framework of Xinyu originated from Taoism,and adopted the ad vantages of various schools before Qin Dynasty,forming a relatively complete and practical political ideological system.This article mainly takes the thought of Xinyu as the main research object,and proves that Xinyu is a work with T aoism as its main thought by both positive and negative logical methods.In th e process,it has a relatively complete exposition and understanding of the thou ght of Xinyu.The demonstration process and the specific content of each chap ter are as follows.The first chapter is mainly about Lu Jia's books and the division of the i deological attributes of Xinyu.It clarifies that the ideological system of Xinyu conforms to the category of Taoism,and refutes the argument that Xinyu belo ngs to Confucianism and miscellaneous scholars.Xinyu absorbs other schools a nd adopts the advantages of others in order to enrich and develop the Taoist i deological system and accurately locate the characteristics of the times and the ideological connotation of Xinyu.The second chapter mainly demonstrates that Xinyu is based on Taoist th ought from the fundamental level of Taoism."Tao" is to implement the conce pt of the whole philosophical thought system.It is not only the origin of the world and the creation of all things,but also the law of the operation of all t hings in the world.It is also the norm and norm of society and human beings.It is also a tool of communication.Xinyu develops the whole ideological syst em with "Tao" as its core.The operation of things and human practice are ba sed on "Tao",so it belongs to Taoism.Chapter three mainly proves that Xinyu is a Taoist work from the angle of "inaction".The main epistemology and methodology in Xinyu are dialectics and inaction,which can be classified as Taoism.The theory of inaction in Xin yu mainly talks about conforming to the law of things and the trend of the ti mes,guiding slightly and acting with authority.It can achieve the best effect without too much interference."Dao is no greater than inaction".Its dialectical view is that everything has two opposite sides.They are mutually moving,transforming,opposing and unified.Finally,they choose the best method and beh avior according to the current situation.Both of them started and developed fr om Taoism,and Xinyu was further inherited and developed.Chapter Four mainly proves that Xinyu is Taoist from the practical field,namely,political view and social ethics.The political ideal of "the Supreme v irtue" described in Xinyu is based on the rule of inaction,with monarchs pract icing morality and doing inaction.Its ethics advocates that morality should be followed by benevolence,righteousness,etiquette and law,and that a social eth ics system should be established on the basis of morality so that everyone can have the corresponding position and norms.The monarch and his subjects all have corresponding ways of doing things,so that political and social stability can be long-term.
Keywords/Search Tags:Xinyu, Taoism, Lu Jia, Tao, inaction
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