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Research On Network Moral Judgment In The Post-truth Era

Posted on:2020-07-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2405330596984864Subject:Journalism and Communication
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The "black swan" events and various communication phenomena in the western media,such as brexit and the us election,indicate that the post-truth era has arrived.Although "post-truth" originates from western politics,it also reflects many problems in society and brings many negative influences to the field of news communication.Among them,the new communication phenomenon of network moral judgment can also be regarded as one of the negative effects of "post-truth" in the field of network public opinion.Moreover,in the field of network public opinion,there are more and more news cases about network moral trial,so it is of practical significance to study the communication phenomenon of network moral trial.In the post-truth era,network moral judgment is simply the behavior of netizens who "judge" the parties involved in a news event on the Internet platform based on their personal moral standards before the truth of the news event is clear.In the post-truth era,facts have given way to catharsis.A closed group has formed the "echo wall effect".People who have a great say only care about protecting their own views and emotions as well as the opinions and feelings of their group,regardless of the truth,not to mention whether the "judicial power" in their hands will mistakenly kill innocent people,which results in the prevalence of online moral judgment.With the popularization of the Internet,this kind of communication phenomenon has become an issue worthy of attention in the field of news communication,and has exerted a negative influence on social moral atmosphere,social civilization process,public order on the Internet,personal physical and mental health and other aspects.Through the analysis of typical news cases,it can be concluded that most of the cases of network moral trial are under the joint efforts of Internet users and media,through the network social platform(mainly including weibo and WeChat),before the truth of the event is not clear before the rush to make a "trial" of the news event and its parties.Irresponsible media do not take facts as the basis,and blindly cater to the audience's emotions and psychological news reports,which are easy to produce news inconsistent with facts.The audiences who receive the false information take "emotion" and "morality" as the standard of judgment.In many cases,it will result in severe judgment or even miscalculation of the parties involved,which will bring great trouble and harm to the people on trial.However,as far as the current situation is concerned,the Internet users and the media as judges have not yet realized the existence and harmfulness of the phenomenon of online moral trial.It is immoral to impose moral sanctions on the parties involved in a news event through public humiliation,so as to express personal feelings.The social network platform puts the right of speech into the hands of every citizen,allowing the silent people to make their voices heard.This is supposed to democratize fairness and justice.However,it is an act of pseudo-morality and pseudo-justice to make their voices heard at will with personal emotional factors and without responsibility.Therefore,attention should be paid to all sectors of society,especially in the field of news communication,otherwise it will have an immeasurable negative impact on the real society and the network environment.
Keywords/Search Tags:Post-truth, Moral judgment, Public humiliation
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