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The Compilation And Application Of Chinese Vocabulary In Chinese International Education

Posted on:2019-05-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M N FanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2405330596961475Subject:Chinese international education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years,with the rapid development of economic globalization,the development of Chinese international education has made considerable progress in recent years.With the improvement of China's international status,China's comprehensive influence in the world has greatly increased.The development of the economy and the increasing international communication have made the demand of Chinese learning increasing rapidly.In recent years,the number of foreign students in China has become more and more.As a famous school of science and engineering,the Southeast University has attracted a large number of students to attend,especially the electrical specialty.In recent years,the number of students has been steadily increasing.Vocabulary,as one of the three elements of language and language,plays an important role in language learning.Without certain vocabulary foundation,we can't communicate with people and achieve communication.Of course,we can't really master this language.After entering professional learning,foreign students find that learning vocabulary is quite difficult,which brings great obstacles to their learning and research.The author chooses the professional Chinese vocabulary in the international education of Chinese in the compilation and application of the Chinese vocabulary of the graduate students of Southeast University.The development of this topic needs to be used: comparison,induction,deduction,example,investigation,literature research,observation,experience summary,and so on.It is expected that the related corpus will be used and the statistical methods of statistics and image drawing will be used in the statistical methods of statistics for the processing of basic materials.System and so on.Finally,we hope that the subject can carefully study the related Chinese vocabulary of this specialty,and combine the characteristics of the teaching and learning of this kind of specialty,sum up the vocabulary and even the vocabulary outline of the matter,and pay it to practice,verify its rationality in the future teaching,and provide good vocabulary help for the specialized Chinese teaching of the related major.
Keywords/Search Tags:Chinese for Special Purpose, Word, Electrical Specialty, Compiling
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