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The Class Teacher And The Origin Of Literature In The New Period

Posted on:2020-12-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y Y RanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2405330575980755Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
After the fall of the Gang of Four in 1976,literature and art were in a very confused state.Political ambiguity made literature and art have to make their own choices.Therefore,Liu Xinwu took great risks and created " The Class Teacher " on the basis of accusing "scars" which aroused strong repercussions as soon as it was published.This short story,appearing in the 11 th issue of People's Literature in 1977,is the first to call out loudly for the rescue of the children who were trapped by the Gang of Four.It really gives a strong shot to the literary and artistic creation which suffered a lot during the Cultural Revolution.Since its birth,the Head Teacher has been covered with a strong sense of historical responsibility and a strong spirit of social enlightenment,which inherits and develops the May 4th Movement.It is generally believed that the development of Chinese literature has taken a turning point at this time.The trend of thought of "scar literature" brought by " The Class Teacher " has risen rapidly and quickly occupied the market.It has become the absolute mainstream of creation from 1977 to 1979.Then the rapid decline and withdrawal of this kind of creation after entering the 1980 s reflects the change of power discourse behind it.The literary defect of " The Class Teacher " has weakened its vitality and gradually faded out of public view.This paper takes " The Class Teacher " as the research object and ends the period of social transformation after the fall of the Gang of Four from 1977 to 1979.It focuses on how " The Class Teacher " succeeded in ascending the classic "shrine" of the times under the multiple roles of time,geography and harmony.The social effects brought by " The Class Teacher " and the embarrassing literary situation afterwards are all very valuable.We have to rethink.The thesis is mainly divided into four chapters.The introduction briefly introduces the origin of the topic and the research status of " The Class Teacher ",and explains the research ideas and methods of the paper.The first three chapters of the paper discuss the " The Class Teacher " in the period of social transformation from three aspects: the background of the times,the orthodox interpretation and the power game.The fourth chapter discusses the influence and significance of " The Class Teacher " and tries to present a three-dimensional image of " The Class Teacher " to the world.The first chapter of the thesis mainly focuses on the background of the era at the beginning of the birth of " The Class Teacher ".When the traditional mode of production and life in the mid and late 1970 s is changing dramatically with the political turn,people are already thinking about how to transform successfully from "Literature of the Cultural Revolution" to "Literature of the New Period".In fact,people's way of thinking is in progress.Change.The deep-water bomb " The Class Teacher " thrown in the literary world was soon listed in the "canon" ranks.The appearance of this phenomenon can not be underestimated in terms of literary dissemination or literary acceptance.The second chapter starts with the text.Although the " The Class Teacher " has been criticized for its literary defects since the "scar literature" ebb,we should pay attention to what the orthodox discourse played in this process besides the historical impetus,the choice of writers,the widespread dissemination and the general acceptance of the public behind the great repercussions of the work at the beginning of publication.What role does it play? Therefore,the second chapter focuses on this,in-depth discussion of the authoritative interpretation of the work in line with the background of the new era,whether the unique charm of its enhancement.From the very beginning," The Class Teacher " has chosen the same way of enlightenment as "saving children" in Lu Xun's Diary of Madman.However,the charming authenticity after the "Cultural Revolution" can really make it recognized by the orthodox discourse and provide a paradigm for later literary creation.The third chapter of the thesis begins to explore the power game hidden behind this work.How can a literary work with obvious defects be sent to the ranks of "canon" ? If there is no strong external force to promote,I am afraid " The Class Teacher " can not survive anyway.In this game of rights," The Class Teacher " actually plays the role of the speaker and the speaker,and quickly enters the center of the discourse power in the thorns of the road.We have to say that the powerful power behind it "can not be denied".Chapter IV of the paper re-examines the origin of "New Period Literature" with a reflective and dialogical attitude through " The Class Teacher ".In some ways,some creative effects brought by " The Class Teacher " are gratifying and worthy of affirmation.People begin to pay attention to the psychological problems of teenagers and children,and then enrich their literary and artistic life.But it has to be admitted that the situation of "Head Teacher" after the 1980 s is really very embarrassing,so it has been generally believed that the social significance of " The Class Teacher " is far more than its literary significance.
Keywords/Search Tags:The Origin of Literature in the New Period, Liu Xinwu, The Class Teacher
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