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Research On The Motivation And Performance Of After-sales Leaseback Financing Lease Of WORKSHOP Trademark Rights

Posted on:2020-08-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T M ZhouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2405330575971698Subject:Accounting master
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
At present,the culture and creative industry has become a new pillar of the tertiary industry,but the financing status of the industry is not optimistic.Due to the characteristics of “light assets,high risk”,financing has long been a major bottleneck restricting the development of cultural and creative enterprises.As everyone knows,the sale-leaseback financial has always been one of the important ways for enterprises to raise funds.Under the premise of not affecting business operation,it solves the dilemma of most enterprises that have physical assets but the lack of cash flow.Undoubtedly,this is an innovative method,but because the subject matter is limited to fixed assets,the applicability of this method is poor.Therefore,how to further innovate,and expand the subject matter of sale-and-leaseback financing to the intangible resources of the cultural industry has become one of the current hot topics.This paper starts with the financing problem in the culture and creative industry.Through studying the financing case by the Beijing Workshop Culture Media Co.,Ltd.the motivation and performance of the sale and leaseback financing of trademark rights are analyzed.This article can be roughly divided into three parts:First of all,this paper introduces the background of the cultural and creative industry.Although the current development of the cultural and creative industry is in full swing,the financing situation is worrying.Therefore,this paper introduces the feasibility of using the trademark right to carry out the sale and leaseback financing in the industry.This paper focuses on the origin and development of this way of financing,and points out and solves the problems based on existing trading practices.This paper introduces the purpose,significance,content and methods of the research.After these,the theoretical basis and related concepts of this research are put forward.Through extensive collection of data,literature review,domestic and foreign researches in this field are analyzed.Secondly,this paper studies the case of the Beijing Workshop Culture Media Co.,Ltd.,which successfully gets a 5-million fund by using its own trademark rights.The introduction includes the background of the company,the origin of the trademark,and the financial leasing process of sale and leaseback.The selection of financing targets and methods is one key point.Through analyzing the financial statements,we can find that there is a lack of suitable asset in the company to act as the financing target,and financing is difficult to sustain,but the company's operating performance is outstanding.At the same time,the brand added value is high,the customer is of high quality and the supplier is stable.The intrinsic value of the trademark “Workshop” is obvious.With the help of the policy,the company chooses its trademark right to act as the financing target;then it analyzes the financing methods of pledge financing and sale-leaseback financing.Combining the actual situation and the feasibility conditions,it is considered that sale-leaseback financing based on trademark rights is more suitable for the development mode of the company.Finally,this paper analyzes the motivation and performance of the financing done by the company.Internal motivations mainly include: the lack of funds for new enterprises and diversified development strategies leads to a surge in costs,and large demand for operating funds of subsidiaries.The external motivation is reflected in the response to environmental changes and government power.What's more,the short-term performance and long-term performance after financing are analyzed.The event research method and financial indicator analysis system are adopted,and the short-term positive correlation is finally obtained.Finally,the innovations and shortcomings of this paper are mentioned,and the prospects for research in this field are mentioned.This paper discusses the case of enterprises using their trademark rights for sale and leaseback financing.This case is an icebreaking move for the innovation of financing methods of the cultural and creative industry,which indicates that there will be more choices for future venture capital financing.In a certain sense,it reflects the development of the tertiary industry.However,there is always a lot of resistance to the development of new things.The road to exploration is not smooth,and it is destined to be with unsolved questions,but it does promote the development of the research in this industry.
Keywords/Search Tags:Cultural and creative industry, Trademark rights, Sale-leaseback financing lease
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