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The Study On Kaopeng Of Hubei Province In The Late Qing Dynasty

Posted on:2020-09-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2405330575963768Subject:Chinese history
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Kaopeng is the examination room of the County Test in the lowest level of the Child Test stage of Imperial Examination in Qing Dynasty.Universal establishment of the Kaopeng,which is the performance of the Imperial Examination System from the national level to the local society.The Kaopeng facilities is very mature in Hubei,the number of construction of the Kaopeng is large,the region distribution is extensive,and the regulation is complete,which has a certain representativeness nationwide.The counties successively build the Kaopeng to improve the test environment of the candidates and maintain the seriousness and fairness of the examinations in Hubei.The development of Kaopeng has experienced three stages: the Qianjia period,the Daoguang period and Xiantong period in Hubei.The Qianjia period was the initial stage of the Kaopeng in Hubei,the number of Kaopeng was small and the regulation was not large.The Kaopeng built more quickly and entered the peak stage in the Daoguang period,the number and regulation of Kaopeng was greatly improved,and the maintenance fund was also added.The Xiantong period was the continued construction and reconstruction stage of the Kaopeng,and the counties that have not built the Kaopeng continued to build the Kaopeng.Affected by the war,the damaged Kaopeng was successively reconstructed,and the number of kaopeng was restored to the number before the war.With the construction of the kaopeng in various counties of Hubei,the Imperial Examination center gradually moved down and the area of the Imperial Examinations was gradually expanded.Due to the differences that the development level of economic and cultural,the distribution of school places,and the attitudes of local bureaucrats in various regions of Hubei.The Kaopeng expanded from the east and central regions to the western region.And the 55 Kaopeng was built in 69 counties,which covered in various districts of Hubei,including the western Tujia area,field of which could be described as expanse.The Kaopeng became an important cultural and educational building like the Scholastic Palace and the Academy in the Imperial Examination Society,even regarded as the place of local cultural spirit.When various groups participated Kaopeng activities,they raised funds for Kaopeng,managed the operation of the Kaopeng,presided over the specific construction work and aftercare work of Kaopeng,there was cultural network ofImperial Examinations centered on the Kaopeng between the state and the society,They respectively played different roles,there were interactions among the three parties: official advocacy,gentry support,and public following,and together promoted the development of the Kaopeng in Hubei.Before and after the abolition of the Imperial Examination System,The Kaopeng as a materialized product of the Imperial Examination System actively conformed to the trend of historical development and transformed into a new type of educational venue and political activity venue and continued to serve Hubei local society in Hubei.Later,the Kaopeng gradually becamed historical memory and Imperial Examinations Symbol and affected people's social life by a special way.
Keywords/Search Tags:The Late Qing Dynasty, Hubei Provience, Kaopeng
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