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Takeuchi Yoshimi's Opinion Of Subjectivity

Posted on:2020-01-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:YUZU ISHIKAWASCYZFull Text:PDF
GTID:2405330575958409Subject:Japanese Language and Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Takeuchi Yoshimi is a Japanese critic.During and after the Chinese War of Resistance against Japan,he took China as a reference to rethink about the ways of solving the problems that the Japan confronted at that time.His major in the University was Chinese Literature.During his study,he got the opportunity to visit China.Since then,he has been deeply attracted by the Chinese people and their culture.His works was deeply influenced by the background of the times,however,his thinking framework is still worth to be reconsidered in the contemporary times,and may still enlighten readers.He tried to break the inherent way of thinking and the values by putting the Others into one's Self,so as to understand the Others subjectively.He clarifies himself through the process of the confrontation between his Self and the Others.The repetition of this process which he called "washing out" is the method that he has been using to re-recognize himself.The value of this process shall not be neglected in the contemporary world.This thesis discusses the works of Takeuchi,written from 1934 to 1950s.The first chapter introduces how Takeuchi "discovers" Lu Xun.Through research,this paper argues that the moment makes Takeuchi "discovered" Lu Xun was originated from his feeling of "misfortune".The interests of Takeuchi on Chinese study was not originated from his passion to China,but was led by his subconscious of the discrimination against China.On the one hand,this was his own "misfortune",while on the other,this was the"betrayal of himself".The second chapter focuses on the "misfortune" of Takeuchi,so that to investigate his problem consciousness,and to understand the mode of thinking that he acquired from Lu Xun.When Takeuchi realized his "misfortune",he tried to understand China,as well as the nature of Japan as "it-self".He then found that,the"struggle"and the gesture of revolt which presented in the masterpieces of Lu Xun is absence in modern Japanese culture.The third chapter investigates the attitudes taken by Takeuchi when facing the problems of Japan.Through the image of "struggle"(Sosatsu)from Lu Xun,Takeuchi understands the issue of Japan as "the lack of the subjectivity".Through the process of "Sosatsu",he discovered the unique concepts and the mentality of Chinese.In contrast,the "slavery" of Japanese which caused by "the lack of the subjectivity" was the problem that needed to be overcome by Japan.Through the investigation,this thesis concludes that,by taking China-as-the-Other as a reference,Takeuchi discovered "the lacking of the subjectivity" of Japan.He believes that the blind faith of Japan in the foreign things was the main reason that put Japan into the situation of war.Therefore,the purpose of him to keep on discussing China as the Other,was to remind the Japanese to be aware on their "slavery",meanwhile also to discover the subjectivity of Japan while facing China directly.
Keywords/Search Tags:Takeuchi Yoshimi, Lu Xun, Subjectivity, Sosatsu
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