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On The Study Of Li Guang Di's Shi Suo

Posted on:2020-03-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P CuiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2405330575951045Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Li Guangdi was an influential statesman and Neo-Confucianist in Kangxi period in the early Qing Dynasty.Politically,Significant achievements have been made in calming the San Francisco Rebellion,recovering Taiwan and regulating River affairs.Academically,There are plenty of writings on Confucianism,Yi-ology and Neo-Confucianism.He was appointed to preside over the compilation of Zhu Ziquan Shu,Zhouyi compromise and other important books.Shi Suo is an important achievement of Li Guangdi's study of Confucian classics.For a long time,Limited by Confucian studies and personal thoughts,The eight volumes of Shi Suo have not been paid attention to by the academic circles.However,Shi Suo has important historical value in supplementing the research materials of the history of the Book of Songs and exploring the development of the study of the Book of Songs in the early Qing Dynasty.Therefore,the texts and reflections of Shi Suo in the early Qing Dynasty are worth exploring.The paper is divided into five chapters.Specifically as follows:The first chapter is Li Guangdi and Shi Suo.Li Guangdi as the "Jia Family" in Anxi,Fujian Province,Family learning has a profound origin.Li Guangdi has been immersed in his ears and eyes since childhood,Have wide learning and a retentive memory,Rich works,The Poetry Institute is its representative classical works.A total of eight volumes,Order and post attachment,An Interpretation of the Book of Songs with the Thought of Confucian Classics,The main purpose is to deduce the civilized meaning of poetry.The second chapter is the interpretation of the text of The Book of Songs in Shi Suo.Shi Suo is in the stage of acceptance of the Book of Songs,which was adopted by both Han and Song dynasties in the early Qing Dynasty.The Interpretation of the Theme of a Poem,Reference is made not only to Zhu Xi's Shi Ji Zhuan,but also to Mao Shi and Zheng Jian in some addition,The commentary also integrates Confucius and Quyuan's theory,Views on Shi Ji,Zhou Yi and Chun Qu.Swallow anything and everything.Chapter Three is the ideological content of "Poetry Education" in Shi Suo.The Shi Suo also reflects the ideological content of "Poetry Education".On the Theory of "Emotion" as "Poetry Teaching".The Purpose of "Poetry Education" is to "Think Innocently",Taking "Bixing" as the Way to Achieve "Poetry Teaching",Elaborated couples,filial piety,brothers and friends,monarchs and ministers as well as the specific content of "poetry education" of heaven and man.Chapter Four is an analysis of Confucius' deleted poems and poems in Shi Suo.Discrimination and Analysis of Confucius' Theory and Analysis of GuoFeng in the Shi Suo.It shows Li Guangdi's inheritance and innovation of tradition.The fifth chapter is about the status and shortcomings of Shi Suo in the history of the study of the Book of Songs.The Poetry Institute tends to be realistic in its annotations to the main points of the poems.It expresses the epochal characteristics of the practical application of the Book of Songs in the early Qing Dynasty.At the same time,there are also backward ideas of feudalism.
Keywords/Search Tags:Li Guangdi, Shi Suo, Book of Songs Education, Confucius compiled poems and deleted Poems, position and sufficient
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