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Strategies In Translating China-specific Expressions

Posted on:2020-04-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T T XuFull Text:PDF
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As China's international prestige is growing,an increasing number of works regarding the country's political,social and cultural life are being translated into English and introduced to the West.In this context,translators are faced with the challenge and responsibility of helping illustrate China-specific political,social and cultural phenomenon in a way that can be well understood and accepted by Western readers.Based on the case study of the English translations of two political publications,The Key Roles of the CPC in Addressing China's Issues and The Great Way of China,this thesis discusses the Chinese-English translation strategies of three kinds of Chinaspecific expressions,namely,China-specific concepts,customary rhetorical Chinese expressions and citations from Chinese classics.To ensure that the translation is easily understood and well accepted by the reader,rigid and literal translation of China-specific concepts,and the problems of illogic and incoherence should be avoided,for which four strategies are proposed,including: to use additional information or connections in the translation to brief readers about relevant background information,or to establish a logical connection in the context;to simplify the translation by reducing information that may cause confusion or misunderstanding by Western readers;to use illustrative translation to help readers better understand China-specific expressions;and to reorganize a text when necessary to ensure that the translation is logically sound and coherent.
Keywords/Search Tags:China-specific expressions, translation strategies, political publication
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