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An Interpretation Of The Idea Of Altar From The Perspective Of Life Aesthetics

Posted on:2019-04-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M ZhangFull Text:PDF
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Zen is not only a religion but also a kind of life wisdom.The Zen classic “Altar Sutra” contains a deep and profound aesthetic meaning of life.Life aesthetics is actually the proper meaning of the classic “Altar Sutra,” which enables us to interpret the altar from the perspective of life aesthetics.The wisdom of life in the book is not only feasible but also necessary.From the point of view of life aesthetics,to rethink the aesthetics of Zen and to explore the aesthetics of life in The Altar can make us more deeply grasp the spiritual essence and special significance of life aesthetics.In the first chapter,from the perspective of Hui Neng's life history and Zen aesthetics,we explored the rich aesthetics of life contained in The Altar.Aesthetics should not only be limited to the daily aesthetics,but the most crucial thing is the perfection of life.There is no lack of research on Zen aesthetic thoughts in the altar,but it is rarely put in the perspective of life aesthetics to take a holistic view.Therefore,exploring the aesthetics of life contained in The Altar Sutra is not only an enrichment of aesthetic connotation of Zen Buddhism,but also an academic attempt to study life aesthetics.Therefore,it is very meaningful to choose the perspective of life aesthetics.It is on this basis that the thesis combs the aesthetics of life in The Altar.In the second chapter,we summarizes the characteristics of life aesthetics contained in the “Altar”from three aspects.First,the purpose of the entire “Altar Scripture” is to give people a clear-cut view.“Be clear from the heart” is the realization that through understanding that nature has been pure,people understand that the human heart is untainted.The heart is the heart of Buddha.Second,how can we see it clearly? How can we practice it correctly? Defeating all external forms of spiritual practice in Zen,Hui Neng denounced and criticized the practice of blindly fixing sit-downs and persevering texts.He believed that the key to spiritual practice,epiphany,and Buddhahood lies in the human heart.Third,based on the real world,we should engage in all activities of the world with a free and conscious mind,integrate spiritual practice with organic living,practice in life,and live in spiritual practice.The third chapter,through Hui Neng's entire life history,refines and summarizesthe essence of life aesthetics in The Altar Classic to reflect the aesthetic beauty of Zen.It is divided into three parts.These three parts are progressively based on the entire life course of Hui Neng.The first is the “compassing Zen master machine”.In the early years of spiritual practice,Hui Neng realized the “ emptiness ” thought.“Emptyness” is to remove the dedication and coveting of all the phases and gain wisdom.Second,Hui Neng explained the emotions of “how it is” after the fifth ancestor passed the “Diamond Sutra”.Hui Neng believes that wisdom exists in everyone's hearts,and that self has a lively driving force.The development of the wisdom of the Prajna,we can prove that our true nature with Buddhism is not,and we must be liberation at the moment.In the end,the achievements of consciousness come from Prajna,and the meaning of Prajna lies in wisdom.Because only relying on wisdom and wisdom,ordinary people can reach the other shore from this shore,and finally show the beauty of life.In the fourth chapter,through the combing the chapters above,we must finally reach the realm of life aesthetics.First of all,it is the liberation of the realm of life.How to correctly face life and death and surpass life and death? We must establish a correct view of life and death,so that it can acquire a great wisdom of life and death,reach the level of self-liberation,and let the natural life come to the United States.Secondly,traditional Buddhism advocated keeping away from dusty habits and developing self-cultivation.Hui Neng advocated that “the Dharma in the world does not depart from the world” value human life and spirit,let the Dharma return to the world,stress all beings equal,and pay attention to social care.Efforts are being made to realize the care for all beings and promote the overall harmony between adults and foreign objects so that we can discover the beauty and life of the beauty of life.
Keywords/Search Tags:altar, life aesthetics, Hui Neng, Zen
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