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The Study Of Western Instrumental Music In "The Cultural Revolution" Period Of Tianjin Area

Posted on:2020-03-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q ZhengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2405330572480814Subject:School of music and dance
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The development of Western Instrumental Music in Tianjin area had been greatly impacted and seriously hindered after “The Cultural Revolution" began.With the Left-wing slogans of "Breaking down the feudalism,capitalism and revisionism" and"sweeping away all kinds of bad people",Western instrumental music of Tianjin area fell into a great dilemma in this period: some precious musical scores were all destroyed or disappeared;Workers were persecuted-they were transferred to others to Candres School,factories,rural areas and other places to educated them becoming the poor peasant and lower-middle classes;Art colleges refused to recruit any student from the majors about Western Instruments;And amateurs had no place to study Western Instruments.However,the activities of Western Instrumental Music in Tianjin area were not in "a blank" but more energetic in such a harsh social environment.This dissertation aims to explore the Tianjin area Western Instrumental Music in "The Cultural Revolution" period.Examining the relevant literature and the oral material from great artists,in order to draw a clear picture of Western Instrumental Music in Tianjin area in the period.This dissertation is divided into four chapters:The first chapter introduces the status of Tianjin area Western Instrumental Music in“The Cultural Revolution” Period.The second chapter introduces the performances of Tianjin area Western Instrumental Music in the Period,which including music performance activities.The third chapter introduces the teaching activities of Western Instrumental Music in Tianjin area in the period,which including professional music teaching,amateur music learning and editing of textbooks.The fourth chapter introduces the influence of Western Instrumental Music in Tianjin area in "The Model Play of Beijing Opera" that brought the Western Instrumental Music in Tianjin area to alive again.
Keywords/Search Tags:"The Cultural Revolution" Period, Tianjin Area, The Western Instrumental Music
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